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Poor balance anyone?

Jolanta 9 Dec 8

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Gardening or habitat maintenance requires balance. One legged stance with a support near by. Simple yoga positions are also good. With practice one can do it with closed eyes. As a former mail carrier we were required to hold the hand rails. It makes me crazy to see Biden not holding hand rails. Especially because he was sand bagged. Build those telomeres.

He probably doesn't do it because people would comment on it how unsteady he is. No matter what he does he is bound to be criticised. And then there is the macho thing of course.


I don't trust my balance sometimes, so I hold the handrail on the stairs, etc., so I'll try the "one-leg stand" to see if that strengthens my confidence in my balance. Seems easy enough to do while I'm standing in my kitchen waiting for something to boil on the stove or the microwave timer dings. 🙂

I do yoga exercises to strengthen my balance. It helps.

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