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Is there any privacy concern for dead people? this is what corrupt government hide behind so not to release the death stats from the vaccination....
this should be a concern to every one. why do dead people need to be concerned about privacy...

1patriot 8 Dec 9

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I am relieved you are in Canada. We have too many ah....hmmm....nut cases in the USA as it is. Your wacky sources require me to ignore you from now on. If only I could.

i see this is way over you learning ability

i guess you won't believe this either []

@1patriot []
quackery. I will say you sure can find the wack jobs being published on the net. Sigh.

@Mooolah []
you never hear of the lancet i have 999 more of these peer reviewed you look up the site that you call fake but fail to look up the 1000 peer review what that say about you. why don't you type this site into your fact checker and see what it says.

@Mooolah []
like i say there a 1000 peer review that you you failed to look at


Such a problem really exists

it's fake problem so the government does have to show you the real deaths from the Jab


Because they are the family members of living people.

skado Level 9 Dec 9, 2023

they aren't giving that information out! they list there death names

They don't have to give it out. It's public record. Medical records are private.

It's the same reason we don't throw corpses in the roadside ditches to rot. It's not that the corpse would care - it's for the dignity of the living.

@skado they are not asking for medical records the asking for peoples names that died from the vaccinations as some people say i want proof what's their name. they were able to fake a pandemic and kill a bunch of people and now they are hiding it. these are the tactic they are using []
Steve Kirsch 4th December 2023 -UK Parliament
Steve Kirsch to Parliament:


OK. I misunderstood your question.

@skado sorry i guess i wasn't very clear in my post

No prob.


Nearly 4 million people in New Zealand have received two doses of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine as of Dec. 1, according to public health agency Te Whatu Ora. For the claim to be true, at least 800,000 of those vaccinated people would have had to have died. But from the start of 2020 through June 2023, there were about 125,000 total deaths attributed to all causes, according to Statistics New Zealand, the country's government data agency.

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