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Now scientists say BREATHING is bad for the environment: Gases we exhale contribute to 0.1% of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions
Two greenhouse gases - both more potent than CO2 - are in human breath
One is methane which is famously also emitted from livestock such as cows
so do you still believe scientist who are employed by the billionaire

1patriot 8 Dec 14

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Yes we exhale CO2, yes we fart methane, but it has zero effect on climate. Greenhouse gases from living organisms are not the problem; that carbon was recently removed from the atmosphere (by plants, or phytoplankton) and is simply returning to the atmosphere. Living is a carbon-neutral activity.

The carbon that causes global warming is from fossil fuels. That carbon came from the atmosphere too, but it was stored underground and a huge amount of it accumulated over a long, long time. The problem is that we are burning, in only a few hundred years, what took hundreds of millions of years to accumulate.

A massive and sudden return of carbon to the atmosphere has happened before. It happened during the Permian geologic period (298 mybp - 251 mybp) [mybp = million years before present]. In that case, unusually prolific volcanic activity in what we now call Eurasia extruded millions of cubic miles of basalt. They're called the Siberian Traps today. Along with the basalt came billions of tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide always part of volcanic eruptions). And the eruptions are also thought to have come up through extensive coal beds, which quickly burned, adding to the rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The result was a huge temperature spike which caused other feedbacks to kick in, raising the temperature even more. For example, as the oceans warmed up, methane hydrate on the ocean floors turned into methane and came bubbling up to the atmosphere. The upward temperature spiral went so high that nearly everything living in the photic zone of the oceans died. As trillions of tons of marine organic matter rotted, the Earth became enveloped in a cloud of toxic hydrogen sulfide gas, which killed nearly every living thing on the land. The result was what is now known as the Permian extinction; 95% of the species then living disappeared forever.

There is one big difference between the Permian period and the present: we're heating up the Earth's atmosphere and oceans a lot faster this time around.

you bought to their lie!
Statement written for the Hearing before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Climate Change: Incorrect information on pre-industrial CO2

CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal Of Our Time
you would something if you take the to read but doubt that you will ice cores are the best way to read CO2
the Davo's group are behind all the shit going on

we are the carbon they want to eliminate don't kid yourself!

@1patriot I have studied and taught science for 50 years. The data don't lie. But more than that, I have watched the unfolding catastrophe with my own eyes. 👁️👁️

@Flyingsaucesir so you have been indoctrinated you should know IPCC has been lying information they been posting the IPCC say what the billionaire pay them to say. same thing with the CDC and NIH. i know that will be hard for you to believe. i know your no dummy so apply some of that to your critical thinking. CO2 is not a pollutant


John Kerry wants you to stop breathing so he can fly on his personal jet more often.

Your ignorance is showing (again).

@Flyingsaucesir What is actually showing (and very vividly) is your lack of any sense of humor.


I would imagine farts are even worse. So everybody hold them in. Besides, if you don't breath you can't fart.


Well it depends on who is doing the breathing. The planet would be better off if some people would just stop breathing. I'm just saying, they might be on to something.

it's the globalist science putting this shit out and some mental disorder believes it!


So why not be the first to stop?

you can been practicing's ever time you have a hissy fit. if you don't stop your going to drop lol


If the crazy democraps get their way it will wreck the US economy.

from what have researched it's 13 black family of nobility and the are all located in Switzerland they control blackrock etc. king chucky in with them biden's in with them....

Another 190,000 jobs were added last month. Inflation is lower in the US than any other developed nation. Our stock market just reached a historic high. So what the fuck are you talking about?


Probably the annoying nitwit Greta Thunberg is their advisor for environmental issues LOL

yea i wouldn't doubt that

If I had to go on that comment alone, I would have to say Greta is at least 1000 times smarter than you. But I'm going to withhold judgement until you have had a chance to explain yourself. OK? The ball is in your court. How is Greta wrong about climate science?

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