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Why are people still vilifying sex!?🤔

Aaron70 8 Dec 28

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The short shame filled history of the orgasm
The greatest idea the churches ever had
Take something you KNOW everyone wants to do
Convince people it is a hell worth sin to do it
Wait until they do it anyway
Then force them to confess they have done it anyway
The charge them for forgiveness, so they won't go to Hell

Rinse and repeat K-ching!

NB Also works for whiskey and anything else people like because it makes them feel happy


I live in a state whereby a fetus can have an attorney but not the holder of the womb which the embryo is in. Act292 Wisconsin. It is hazardous to be pregnant or even fertile in many states currently. The Evangels must be defeated at the polls as they have usurped the GOP and are now inside of your female's bodies.


Because the Teeee Party took over our Assembly & jerry-rigged the state so extremely that our Supreme Court found it unConstitutional after we flipped the court last midterm. Get out & vote. It matters, and makes a difference & is not the Oscars or the Super Bowl. We are angry in Wisconsin & want to restore the Blue Wall.

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