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It is the end of a year and maybe my last (my excuse for spoiling myself) I found a website for a German butchershop and ordered over fifty bucks worth of coldcuts. Blood sausage, bacon fat with Grieben ( no clue what the American term is for that); two different German coldcuts. It will not get here until the middle of January, so I have time to wallow in my guilt for spending so much money on myself. Of course, I never wasted one thought on buying expensive weed when I was still smoking , so I guess it is all relative.
Best wishes for the New Year. I am looking out over my snow-coverd yard wishing I had been smarter in my life.
Here are the Black Crowes
Sweet Nothing

Spinliesel 9 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Splurging on my favorite foods is my favorite pass time. It makes me happy, so enjoy, there are far worse things to waste money on.

Right you are. I had to have the plummer in yesterday. That was expensive and I almost regretted buying the German coldcuts. but screw it. I needed the reward. Happy New Year Glen.

@Spinliesel Happy New Year!


Investing in yourself is always a good thing, and if the food makes you happy go for it. I hope it is just what you need it to be. I think everyone wishes they had been smarter in life, and I say that at almost 66 years old, starting a new job search next week. Kinda sucks, but I'm not able to retire yet.

I wish you much success in your job search, The field is wide open,. With your experience, you should not have any problems. Don't sell yourself short,
I still get job offers after eight years of retirement, all for healh care jobs. I used to write grant applications for rural healthcare projects, and must have been good at it, because the same healthcare systems keep contacting me. I am 75 years old and almost blind. My working days are over.

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