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Because it's a ponzi scheme.....the scientist that are paid to parrot the ponzi scheme, well the ones not on the ponzi scheme are silenced. and people still believe the MSM....

1patriot 8 Jan 1

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The thing about CO2 is that a little bit goes a long way. The meme is wrong about the current level; it's not 400 ppm, it's 419 ppm. And that's about 70 ppm over the highest level there ever was in the last 850,000 years. And that level is rapidly going up due to human activity (burning fossil fuels). The meme is also wrong about the source of most CO2 today. Our fossil fuel emissions are currently about 100 times greater than the biggest natural source, which is volcanoes. Finally, the warming effect of all our pollution has been clearly established. Every decade is now warmer than the last. Up until very recently, the warming effect of excess CO2 has been masked. The oceans have absorbed 90% of the excess heat, and half the excess CO2. But as the oceans warm, they absorb heat less readily. And they become more acidic. This threatens marine food webs, which should concern us. After all, 30% of the protein humans consume comes from seafood. But I digress. I don't want to close without calling out the stupid, irresponsible, complacency of posts and memes like this one. To the extent that people believe such brain rot, and think we can carry on with business as usual, our future (especially that of younger people and future generations) is increasingly blighted.

herein canada we have more trees to take up CO2 than all of north America by 100 time the CO2 that is man made.... i have to get going spent 1 hour to long on this working on my tractor. man and all of man on earth is response able for 5-6% of all CO2 on this planet look it time for you to start doing your home work stay the fuck away from google this is why you guys are so ill informed

@1patriot Have you not noticed how those lovely trees are dying by the million from drought stress, parasites enabled by warmer temperatures and weaker trees, and forest fires fueled by drought-stressed trees and warmer temperatures? It's happening right in front of you. A vicious cycle brought on by climate change, which is brought on by burning fossil fuels. 👁ïļðŸ‘ïļ

@Flyingsaucesir that might be happening where you are but ain't because of CO2 give you head shake. at concentrations as high as 1000ppm. i live in the green house capital of Canada. the forest fire here have caught 39 of them in Alberta and the fucking government does a catch and release with them they are getting caught more than once. i would shoot the fucker and throw them in the fire!


Being that Canada is a country of opportunity, wealth and innovation why wouldn't we want to be leaders rather than laggards in the renewable energy field?? Apathy doesn't fly with forward thinkers.

renewables aren't working here in Dec 2023 alberta who has had a very warm winter has only had 3% of renewables supply our power needs......that not very good. especial when coal or natural gas are abundant and CO2 is not a pollution of which you have all been sold on.....i use CO2 in my green house plants love it! that your ponzi scheme

@1patriot Too much of anything is bad. Under normal conditions, CO2 is not a pollutant. The carbon cycle balances things out, and the climate system remains relatively stable. But today's conditions are not normal. We are producing way too much CO2, and it's throwing the climate system out of whack. Bottom line: CO2 is now a pollutant.


China has the most emissions, they burn coal, etc. China makes the gargantuan of emissions. Canada just wants to tax its citizens like a boa constrictor

China is ahead of us in developing sources of green energy. AND in production of electric vehicles. Just sayin'.

@Flyingsaucesir yes your right but these are not the answer to cleaning up our planet. the biggest problem i see it dumping of raw sewage into our Oceans and water ways. most cities in our world are on the shore lines they don't clean their sewage here in Albert we draw water off the north and south saskatchewan rivers and it comes at 95% Pure water refine it to drinking water and dump back into the river at 98% so cleaner than we draw it off. the solid are hauled away to land fill we do not use them at spread on to farm land as fertilizers. many USA cities farms around the city use this sewage water to grow organic food which is not good. these foods brought into the labs are tested and show bad results for many different chemicals in those foods you think are health.....

@1patriot There are many environmental problems. Raw sewage going into rivers and oceans is one of them. It causes eutrophication, algae blooms that create aquatic "dead zones," where nothing but algae can live. But the biggie, the problem we really need to get a handle on quick, the one that will literally kill us in our tracks, is global warming. All the other stuff pales in comparison.

@Flyingsaucesir an unpaid parrot! yes your only have 5 years left you still believe we are all going to be dead in 5 years from what tell me CO2.....get grip you bought it, they where selling it! liberalism is a mental disorder

@1patriot Who said 5 years? Not me. You're hallucinating (again).

@Flyingsaucesir China is the world's largest annual greenhouse gas emitter. In 2020, it emitted 12.3bn tonnes of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e), amounting to 27% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the CAIT database maintained by the World Resources Institute (WRI) Canada paying taxes helps how? Calling you a dumb fuck is too polite


I don't believe you understand just what a Ponzi scheme really is.

The numbers in the meme are dubious at best. Your premise is that scientists who spend their live studying actual science are to be less trusted that a meme that can be generated by virtually anyone who has the software.

I'll trust the experts thank you.

BTW, the whole point of a ponzi scheme is to get rich. How many scientists do you know of, or more specifically climate scientists, who have become wealthy via the work they do? Now consider hos many fossil fuel companies have continued to make money by producing propaganda that counters actual science and seeds doubt about climate change(s), much like the tobacco companies did (and still do) to seed doubt about the health risks of smoking.

It has been proven that the Inca civilization in South America, which reached it heights from 400-900 AD ended up having to abandon their cities because they had altered their local environment to the point to where is changed local weather patters creating droughts and crop failures. Thus proving that man can change the environment.

To disregard scientific finding on climate changes, just because you don't want to have to face change, is just willful ignorance of the real and actual facts.

Carbon tax is a great way to become wealthy

for WHO to become wealthy and HOW ? source ? @Communistbitch

@Leetx the parasites that own the world banks, food industry, the pharmaceutical industries and that's just a few. what fuck you haven't been paying attention everyone knows that..

the parasites that own the world banks, food industry, the pharmaceutical industries and that's just a few. what the fuck you haven't been paying attention everyone knows that... if they can make laws to limit your water, limit your farming, force to to get vaccinated every year. obvious you have not read lock step by rockefella or agenda 21 or agenda 2030 as they have outline how they will manage the future you will be exterminated by a certain age i think they will push to that. you liberals always think it's a bull shit story.....and i did too 25 years ago but every year they take from us more and more rights, well selling those not paying attention climate change, water usage, farm practice cut your fertilizer use you tell me why..... and they do this shit through big corporations and lobby government to enforce it. why are politician getting so rich why are scientist getting rich... and why are some doctors and scientist ostracized thorough the main stream media when they tell you the truth......who owns the media

Shhhhh....Soylen Green is PEOPLE .. Shhhhh @1patriot

@Leetx and that your best

@1patriot He's very much on point. 😂

@Leetx haha why do they have a carbon tax? So politicians don't have to work. Duh, dr obvious. Why does president get paid for being a demented fool? For having a pulse? What about that congressman that had a stroke? He can't even put a sentence together. Well, he qualifies because he has a pulse. Carbon tax will surely change the weather!!! Dumbfuckery!!!!

@Communistbitch The carbon tax, which has not yet really been implemented, is to encourage corporations to move towards green, or at last more sustainable energy sources, which don't have such long term effects on the environment. It is the government that would be implementing such a tax, and nobody would be getting rich off of it. It just provides a financial incentive to try to make a better world, so that humans don't cause their own extinction through our altering the environment.

It has been proven that the Inca Empire which was at its heights from 400-900 AD, ended up havign to abandon all the cities they built because they had altered their local environment to the point that teh experienced massive droughts and crop failures. Now, humans on a global scale are alterning the environment, causing temperatures all over the world to rise. This is causing weather patterns to change, which will in tern result in super storms, floods, droughts, and massive crop failures. The lack of food will likely result in wars, as it has in the past, such as in the Russian and French Revolutions.

In 1960, there were only 3 billion people in the world. Now there are 8 billion. At that rate of growth, by 2075 there will be 20-22 billion people. The earth just can't sustain that kind of growth using carbon based energy sources.

You can deny it all you want, but that facts are global temperatures are rising. Carbon present in the atmosphere is greater than at any other time in all of hominid existence, and although temperatures are rising slowly, the earth is a closed system, and we cant' keep putting carbon into the air without some harmful consequences. Scientists have been warning of global warming since the 1970's and global warming had been definitively proven by the 1990's. However fossil fuel companies have produced massive propaganda campaigns to make it seem like climate change wasn't a certainty, so they could keep on making massive profits.

Remember not too long ago when they kept saying climate change was all a hoax? Well, as the cartoon implies, even if it were a hoax (The evidence says it isn't), would it be all that bad to build a better world anyway?

@1patriot If you had been paying attention 40 years ago you would understand that it is the Moverment Conservatives that gutted the middleclass in favor of big banks, pharma, oil, ag not the liberals. That is NOT to say there are rich folks on the left that helped the whole thing along.
I've said before you need to study the history of the republican party and how it's ideology flipped in the 1960s.
You need to study the socio-economic conditions of the 1900s thru the 1930s.
I think once you do there will be less tendency to post unhinged weirdness.

@silverotter11 i have followed the the 2 world wars and the winners of the war write the history and they lied about a lot of it. their was 590,000 Jew in 1939 German cense so how did they get 6 million in there figures. did you know they had head lines in WW1 where 6 million jews were killed there to but we don't speak of that do you. look up this story see if it's fake MeMe. and we i have watched the weather dor the last 50 years of farming and knew back in the 80 they we full of shit with catalytic converts and follow some scientist on climate change. you read the fucking media head line to get your information. they are lairs.....better wake up!

@1patriot Not the topic but pivot away.

the journey to improved mental health can't begin until you admit you have a problem hun. @1patriot

@silverotter11 yea well i knew you would be to lazy to to look into that's is part of your mental ability. i don't need to study republican history as both side are on the same team just like in Canada. your to stupid to figure that out.

@Leetx well that's your first step is admitting your short coming in mental and you fit that prefect!

@snytiger6 where's your source on the incas? And what the fuck does that have to do with global warming? And how the fuck is paying taxes changing the weather? Are you really that stupid?

@Communistbitch The Incas have been studied extensively, and my information comes from reading multiple articles and several documentaries over my lifetime. I ma sorry that I don't readily have the sources at hand.

The point, which I thought was pretty clear is that humans activity can influence environment. I thought the point was pretty clear. The Incas had to abandon their cities because they destroyed their local environment(s). By the time the Spanish arrived, they had all but destroyed their own civilization through a lack of awareness of how their actions changed their environment.

By contrast, scientists have known from the 1960's and were warning us once the data was peer reviews in the 1970's about global warming and climate change. We as a society KNOW how our actions are affecting the environment, but have chosen to do almost nothing to curb it, being more concerned with immediate profits than with long term survive-ability of the human species or the inevitable disaster that climate changes will bring.

I think it was YOU who brought up the carbon tax and claimed it was just a "Ponzi Scheme". I've tried to rationally explain why a carbon tax has been proposed, but I don't think you are willing to consider any other viewpoint or explanation other than your own.

@snytiger6 you're not bring rational at all. How does paying a politician fake money change the weather? Stupidest shit I ever heard.

@1patriot Take off your socks to count past 10. Your number of Jewish people in Germany is not the number in Europe which you might have heard was mostly invaded by Germany. These are the numbers in 1933. Then there are all the Roma, disabled, Soviets, homosexuals, dissidents etc. killed. Poland has under 30 000 Jewish people now, where did 3 million go?

@BabyYoda and what did i say the cense said their were 590,000 jews in Germany in 1939 yours maps says 565 thousand in 1933 are you telling me i am wrong...... there was 11 million Germans killed in ww2

@1patriot I guess you are too stupid to read. Did you not notice the 3 million Poles that were Jewish and the millions in Austria, Checkoslovakia and U.S.S.R. etc. that were also Jewish? Germany invaded all these countries and killed most of the Jewish people there, Six million Jewish people died in the holocaust not just the 500 000 German Jews.
Are you just a troll? You just don't want to learn. You believe the most stupid conspiracy theories, vaccines kill people, lol, you are a fucking idiot, you called a man on this site who was a teacher uneducated, you can barely write. When I check your sources they are a asshole ''doctor'' who was suspended for giving fake exemption for Covid shots. Him you believe right? All the doctors in Ontario and in Canada are wrong but ''Dr.'' Trozzi is right. ðŸĪŠ

@BabyYoda oh so the jews moved to Germany to jump in the gas chambers you are stupid aren't you.

@1patriot You don't know that Germany invaded Poland and U.S.S.R you have to be a troll.

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