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John Richard Pilger, a famous Australian journalist and a vocal supporter of Julian Assange has passed away at the age of 84

Rest in Peace,

1patriot 8 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Julian Assange is a self-serving, reckless, attention-seeking sensationalist. Fuck him and the sway-backed nag he rode in on.

TA agree...perhaps one of the hugest reasons drump won....."tomorrow/next week, I will have Revelations about Hilary"...followed by hints/innuendo that had No basis in fact, but were incessant, and of course Never any "revelations".
Plus, a child molester.
What a guy!!!!!!

Julian Assange is hero just like Snowden is hero they exposed the corruption in the USA of which is now out of control....just like many today are exposing the corruption around the world. 2.5 million people are run through the human trafficking each year world wide. you don't think that a problem. Julian Assange was never in the USA when he exposed the corruption and he did not expose his sources either. have you seen his list read any of freedom of information received from the government. []

@1patriot Nah bra, Assange and Snowden both were wanton and reckless, putting US national security and human assets at home and abroad at grave risk. There are better ways to expose corruption or bad policy, without endangering innocent lives. But these assholes didn't give a shit They were both lazy and careless.

@Flyingsaucesir guess we have to disagree.....

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