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LIVE: Are Micro-Parasites the REAL Cause Of Cancer? Scientist SHILLS Censor Life Saving TRUTH
Dr. Lee Merritt is here to talk about how parasites are the real cause of cancer.
What if everything we’ve been told about cancer is a lie? Dr. Ben Tapper is back with Stew to talk about how Travis Kelce is a puppet of Big Pharma. Founders of news organization The Flame USA Nicole Orozco & Anna Kane are here to talk about the war in the MIddle East and the Zionist endgame.

1patriot 8 Jan 2

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Ohferpetessake, you are even More credulous than last month.......

fuck you can't even spell you can fuck off or go over fuck that other prick in this post. your dilldo is running low!

@1patriot She's got more knowledge and common sense in her little finger than you have in your whole bloated carcass, fuck stick.


Cancer is a constellation of over 200 different diseases, with a multitude of causes, including exposure to certain chemicals, viruses, and radiation. What all of these have in common is the ability to cause mutations in DNA. The mutations in DNA that cause cancer affect the cell cycle, causing cells to grow too large, replicate too often, and fail to die at the appropriate time. Is there an animal parasite that can cause these mutations? Never say never. But to claim that it's "the REAL" cause, or even a common cause, is absurd. 👎

yea that what you have been sold on.....go ahead get you chemo and radiation my cousins friend was sent home tey can't do any thing for her stage 4 cancer.....i take it you would just go home and wait for death or come to canada the MAID program. she when home and started my program....nothing to loose right 3 month later here the results.....your not interested so i would need to waste any time telling you.....

@1patriot You're out if your league junior. It's obvious you don't know shit about biology or Earth science. Better start at the beginning, crack open some textbooks. I can recommend several good ones.

@Flyingsaucesir fuck you too! you know fuck all about science and you likely are some fucking AI that got fucked up algorithm that some prick design you have given me good answer and all your reply are shit. you would have her die just to make you feel better. you are have shown your prick side so yes fuck offffff

@1patriot I have studied science for 50 years. I earned a degree in science from the University of California. I was credentialed by the State of California to teach two subject areas in science: biology and Earth science. I taught those science subjects at the high school level for 20 years.

And your qualifications are..? You don't have to say it; it's in practically every word you write: jack shit.

@Flyingsaucesir indoctrinated fucker your a big fucking joke ....and you taught people how to fucking believe their lie! you just told me all you know about CO2 which is fuck all! only an uneducated fucker like you would brag what 4 times to me that you are

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