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The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance

In the last few weeks the controversial broadcaster Alex Jones was conveniently allowed back on twitter by Elon Musk. Since that time he has begun a campaign themed around 'freeing humanity'. This includes taking on many of Elon's personal pet projects like colonizing space and achieving superiority in the 'battle for AI'.

This sounds like a great idea and humanity is certainly starving for freedom, however, what, or who is behind this coordinated push? While many of us can agree the current regime is unfit, we have to ask ourselves are the current leaders on the right really any better? In a world run by blackmail are they acting from the heart? And, more importantly, are we simply switching one kind of degeneracy for another? Do we have any blind spots?

This is for each individual to decide for themselves, however, the hyper-technological, Space Bro, transhumanism ideology that is now embedding itself in the freedom movement through Musk certainly has the same level of darkness as anything the political left could manifest. Perhaps more when we consider the unyielding influence that certain super-technologies can inflict on our consciousness. 2024 will be a year where we begin to confront the shadows on the political right.

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1patriot 8 Jan 6

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Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!

woke fucking school teacher....LOL says he's not watching the MSM but that's the only place you might find ohhh Biden's the best president ever he got the economy burning on all eight cylinders.... and there no corruption any way we will just keep fueling your tax dollars to Ukraine. how come with your job you didn't build a 300 million dollar he started out 40 years ago making the same fucking money as you.....are you just stupid or do think he had insider knowledge!!!!

@1patriot If real evidence of malfeasance emerges, then prosecute! Until then, there is a presumption of innocence. It is the American way. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

@Flyingsaucesir like the US need another 100 million people and Biden is a likely a billionaire

@1patriot Yeah, lack of evidence is a bitch, isn't it? Quit yer bellyaching. Be glad you live in a country with rule of law.

@Flyingsaucesir we have no law in Canada 4 men in jail Lethbridge held for 690 days with out charge and we set up by the RCMP.....much like you Jan 6th bullshit. but i guess you call injustice the rule of law LOL

@1patriot So far, over 1000 assholes who stormed the US Capitol on J6 have been tried, sentenced, and jailed. And their dear leader, the ex-president and bloated orange foolius, has been indicted on 91 felony counts. Soon he will go on trial. I call that rule of law! πŸ˜‚

@Flyingsaucesir corruption in the courts is not unheard of. i am sure you will be saying that next year as many of your politicians go down like Fauci, Pelosi, Biden etc. being woke is not something you should be proud of....

@1patriot Being woke just means I am willing to acknowledge the true history of my country, warts and all. Slavery, genocide, lynching, racial discrimination, etc., and our unsteady improvement over the long haul.

@Flyingsaucesir and that no difference from anyone else but you think there's 52 different genders, that men can have babies, that pedophiles should read stories to children, tearing down history, forced vaccination, it's a fucking mental disorder! you shouldn't have even been allow the indoctrinate students. can you imagine how many people you fucked up with stupid ideas....esoteric cults

@Flyingsaucesir you know you are trying to shovel the ocean with a paper cup trying to talk to this one As If he has the ability to think.......your blood pressure deserves better, methinks.

@1patriot 52? Nah, just 2 ends of a spectrum, and various mixtures of the two in between. You are aware that both males and females have both testosterone and estrogen, right? Males usually have more testosterone, and females have more estrogen. But both have both, and the relative levels can vary widely naturally. Pants and skirts alone are not sufficient to reflect this variability.

@annewimsey1 hey blab you part of the fucked up woke club too!

@annewimsey1 Never let it be said that I didn't tilt at my share of windmills! πŸ˜‚

@Flyingsaucesir i have no respect for your fucked up beliefs. you woke fuckers are the ones fucking up this world. the rich buy you fuckers and pay dime a dozen to sell their woke agenda to fuck up and destabilize countries and your too stupid to see it! political correct shit fuck off i will not be speaking to any more!

@1patriot Promise? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@1patriot my, my, my....wasn't there someone who said that descent into profanity is a sign that you are out of ideas? And are a loser?

@annewimsey1 your woke/marxist piece shit too

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