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Those and nine more stories that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear.

While the Covid narrative has indeed resulted in millions of deaths worldwide, and will cause many more, the real threat to our continued existence is the global warming lie. While controlled governments and state sponsored media around the world continue to tell the gullible masses that we’re all going to die from a runaway greenhouse effect, real experts are warning that phasing out fossil fuels could result in over four billion deaths. And not over a period of decades, but in just a few years.

"Net Zero" targets the end of fossil fuel use and is part of the WEF and UN's "Agenda 2030" and "Agenda 2050" plans for humanity, which involve reducing fossil dependency by 2030 and eliminating it completely by 2050.

Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg is just one who has warned that ending fossil fuel use will lead to the deaths of around half of the world’s population through starvation alone.

British economist Neil Record in the Telegraph, argued that the number of people that might die was closer to six billion.

Record reported: “If we literally just stopped using fossil fuels and “did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend, most likely six billion people would die within a year.”

Record warns that shutting down fossil fuel production would result in electrical blackouts, causing refrigerated main food supplies to spoil, and of course in winter the loss of fossil fuels to heat homes in northern climates would lead to many freezing to death. With both electric and gas shut down, there is also no hot water or cooking facilities. In fact, there’s no water at all, as it relies on electric pumps for distribution.

Record provided a timeline for the complete collapse of civilization.

By day 25, food distribution will fail as there will be no gas for trucks or trains to carry food. Urban areas will be hardest hit.

By day 50, violence will be commonplace as people desperately seek food sources. Also, without power the sewage system shuts down, leading to unsanitary conditions which will result in a dramatic increase in disease. Hospitals, also without power, will not be able to help.

By day 100, Record estimates that roughly half the world’s population, or 4 billion people will be dead from starvation, exposure, and most seriously, lack of clean water. After a year, he proposes that an additional 2 billion will have died.

World Economic Forum members have repeatedly suggested that the organization reach its green agenda goals by reducing the number of humans on earth.

Dennis Meadows, a prominent member of the WEF, has called for an 86 percent reduction in human population.

One of the main authors of the Club of Rome's 1972 pro-depopulation book "The Limits to Growth," Meadows, a member of both the Club of Rome and World Economic Forum, asserts that the goal can be achieved quote peacefully.

Even though Meadow's book was published over 50 years ago, it appears that his ideology is still aligned with WEF's anti-human, depopulation agenda of today. In order for the survivors to “have freedom” and a “high standard of living,” he argued that most of the world's population should be wiped out.

As I leave fearmongering up to mainstream media, I want to remind you all that this doomsday scenario is exceedingly unlikely. First, provinces and states have jurisdiction over their energy production. Here in Canada Alberta and Saskatchewan, our countries’ top energy producers, have already made it clear they will not play along with our captured federal government’s green agenda.

As the evidence against the whole notion of manmade global warming continues to mount, more and more people are becoming aware that far from being at risk from high temperatures, we are in fact headed for the next ice age, and that warmer temperatures mean a longer growing season and thus, more food.

However, I bring you this story to demonstrate just how damaging a reduction in the production of fossil fuels could be. Already these policies have caused irreparable harm to Canada’s economy. Trudeau’s green taxes and climate agenda are costing all of us more on our tax bills, making it ever harder for people to afford basic necessities. If we allow this narrative to continue, people will die.

Very likely not 6 billion, but is any amount of death from a lie acceptable?

A code red alert was issued by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in 2022. It was attributed to the supposed "global warming" caused by human CO2 emissions.

In 2023, Guterres upped the ante when he declared: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

This statement was made in the summer when the weather was hot. The media also claimed that July was the hottest month on record at the time. This conveniently coincided with reports of “apocalyptic” wildfires in Spain, Greece, Italy, the U.S., Hawaii, and here in Canada.

I revealed in the past the charts from the European Forest Fire Information System, showing that in most cases the ‘apocalyptic’ fires were a figment of media imagination, but that here in Canada they were in fact suspiciously very high, and that the RCMP made a number of arrests for arson associated with the fires. There are competing theories on how so many forest fires were started, but all of them presume the government is behind it.

Record cold temperatures for last winter suggest the opposite of "global boiling."

A record –62.4°C was recorded in Tongulakh, Siberia, on January 14, 2023. Tongulakh not only set Earth's coldest temperature for a populated area in 2023, but also broke the all-time station record.

Halifax airport in Nova Scotia experienced its coldest wind chill on February 4, 2023 when temperatures plummeted to –43°C. The wind chill record previously set on February 13 1967 was –41°C.

The temperature in Shepherd Bay, Nunavut dropped to –49.6°C on February 19th. Other parts of Canada also set daily records with temperatures below –40°C.

The summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire reported a wind-chill low of –78 Celsius in February, the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States.

A low of –23°C was recorded in Providence, Rhode Island, well below 1918's all-time low of –19°C.

Albany, New York; Augusta, Maine; Rochester, New York; and Worcester, Massachusetts also experienced record lows last winter.

The coldest morning in Sydney, Australia's history occurred in June. A senior meteorologist at the Bureau of Meteorology stated that Olympic Park recorded a minimum temperature of 1.8°C.

Across Australia, more than 100 weather stations recorded their coldest May minimum temperatures. Snowfall, frost, and below-average rainfall were common.

Also in June, the coldest summer temperature since 1962 was recorded in Finland.

Antarctica is also seeing record cold temperatures. Beginning in May, temperatures dropped below –75°C.

On May 5, a low of –75°C was recorded, while just a few days later, it fell to –76.4°C.

For the early Antarctic winter, this is a new record.

South American countries also set new record lows last winter, especially Paraguay and Argentina with most major cities in those countries experiencing record low temperatures.

BTNX, a Toronto-based rapid test supplier, reportedly deleted dozens of samples used in a study submitted to Health Canada in October 2021.

During the plandemic, Ottawa purchased 404 million rapid tests imported from China by BTNX on 15 contracts worth $2 billion. According to Global News several sample results from the study submitted to Health Canada by Toronto-based BTNX had been deleted.

In October 2020, BTNX submitted a federal application with quote 'impressive estimates' for its Chinese-made COVID-19 antigen test. Researchers, however, found deletions were made to make the tests appear more reliable during their year-long investigation into the supplier's submissions.

Many false-negative results were produced by the tests outside of severe cases of COVID-19.

Partially under the guidance of then-Health Ministers Patty Hajdu and Jean-Yves Duclos, the federal government purchased 404 million rapid tests imported from China by BTNX in 2021 and 2022.

With no previous expertise in infectious diseases testing, the company became Canada's leading rapid test supplier during the plandemic. They previously sold illicit drug consumption test kits.

A viral petition calling for a non-confidence vote against Justin Trudeau’s government has closed, amassing 386,698 signatures in the month it was open for Canadians to sign.

e-4701, initiated by Melissa Outwater from Peterborough, Ont., and sponsored by Conservative MP Michelle Ferreri, called for a vote of no confidence and an election within 45 days.

The petition, which was launched Nov. 24, closed Christmas Eve.

Outwater said Trudeau himself advised her to create the petition.

“When he was testifying in the Emergency Act inquiry. He let Canadians know that we have a democratic process, and we should be using it.”

The petition will be presented in the House of Commons by MP Ferreri in the new year.

In 2020, Cabinet was warned that the Canada Emergency Response Benefit program was open to abuse, and the CRA plans to spend more than a half billion chasing ineligible claimants for repayment of pandemic relief checks.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, to date, the Agency has spent $387.6 million on staff time and resources trying to recover fraudulent payments. Another $150 million is budgeted for debt recovery over the next two years, totaling $537.6 million.

As of September 29, the government knew of $3.56 billion in ineligible payments under the Emergency Response Benefit program and another $2.3 billion under the Canada Recovery Benefit. According to a recent Inquiry, auditors chased ineligible claims worth as much as $28,000 and as little as a dime.

In the first days of the plandemic, the Canadian Parliament passed the Canada Emergency Response Benefit Act, which paid $2,000 a month to jobless tax filers facing eviction or foreclosure.

According to Access To Information records, the Emergency Response Benefit program paid out $635.9 million to high school students. The program also paid out for 40,630 claims made by children in Grade Nine nationwide.

We know the Covid virus was made in a lab. A recent Japanese study also found strong evidence that all of the Covid variants are also man made. And we know that governments around the world are experimenting with gain of function research and possible ways to weaponize known infections.

So how likely is it that one of these potential super pathogens could escape the lab? A recent substack by Dr. Meryl Nass provides us with some reliable data. Infections acquired in laboratories or pathogens that accidentally “escaped” from laboratories were examined by an international team of researchers.

A total of 309 laboratory-acquired or associated infections were found; eight of these cases resulted in death, including one case of mad cow disease, which is always fatal. The 16 incidents they found included well-publicized accidents such as when a West Nile researcher became infected with the first SARS virus in 2003 after handling contaminated samples in Singapore. In 2002-2004, SARS had been quiet in Singapore but he exposed 84 contacts and risked re-igniting it. In another case, US government workers taking inventory in preparation for a move at the National Institutes of Health found old vials labeled “variola,” a reference to the virus that causes smallpox, in an unsecured refrigerator in 2014.

The most common illnesses occurred in North America, Europe, and Asia.

The authors defined procedural errors as breaches of biosafety or risk mitigation procedures, which accounted for 75% of all reported ‘escaped’ infections in the United States. In short, human error. There could be a range of factors involved, including choosing the wrong personal protective equipment, poor training, or mishandling samples, including sniffing them, according to the authors. Approximately 15 percent of infections were caused by accidental needlesticks and spills.

Escaped Infections caused by bacteria made up about 77 percent, infections caused by viruses made up 14 percent, and parasites made up 7 percent of infections. Fungi or prions made up a small percentage of the cases, including bovine spongiform encephalitis or mad cow disease. Six of the eight fatalities were caused by bacteria, including Yersinia pestis, which causes plague; one was caused by Ebola; and the other by a prion.

We can’t know how many labs in the world are experimenting with gain of function, but with over 300 cases already confirmed of pathogens ‘escaping’ labs, it appears the risk of something very nasty getting out into the global population is very real. Add to this of course the intentional escapes, such as Covid 19.

Chemtrails are a controversial subject, with many convinced that governments are spraying toxic chemicals with the intent to affect our health or mental state, and others dismissing it as conspiracy theory.

An unidentified British pilot who went by the pseudonym Mark said in a recent interview that chemtrails began a long time ago in the US and that military transport aircraft are responsible for most of the spraying.

We do know that governments, especially the U.S. government have been spraying aluminum into the atmosphere for decades in an attempt to control the weather. Aluminum is toxic to the soil, is taken up by the plants that do survive, and then ingested by humans. Aluminum poisoning in humans results in a long list of serious harms.

Despite claims that chemtrailing is intended to keep global temperatures within the Paris Climate Agreement limits by reflecting sunlight back into space, Mark said that the real purpose is to poison us and block the sun and taint the soil, resulting in lower crop yields to further reduce the food supply.

According to Mark, there is a software fix that blocks transponder codes for chemtrail planes, so they aren't traceable. A suspected chemtrail plane was identified by him as belonging to 2Excel Aviation Broadsword, and Mark says that RVL Aviation, a British company, has a similar operation that sprays over cities as well. Because several planes can spray an area at the same time, he said flight plans are in the onboard computer and must be coordinated. In his opinion, chemtrail pilots are ex-military because they have experience with clandestine operations and are bound by Official Secrets Acts.

First, they honored a Nazi in the House of Commons. Now they’ve given a medal to a trans person who got Canada’s oldest rape crisis center defunded.

Last week, Morgane Oger, a trans activist from Vancouver, was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Governor General of Canada, much to the ire of many Canadian women.

As described on the Governor General's website, the Meritorious Service Medal recognizes "great Canadians for exceptional deeds" such as tackling poverty or improving educational opportunities.

In the list of recipients for the awards that were distributed on December 7, Oger is described as a “champion of diversity who has changed perceptions around 2SLGBTQI+ rights and has worked tirelessly to see those rights enshrined in law.”

The news of Oger's top-level commendation did not sit well with Canadian women's rights advocates, who noted that Oger has a long and disturbing history of actively opposing women's rights.

Canadian journalist and Feminist Current founder Meghan Murphy called out the Governor General, writing that Oger had once stalked her through her neighborhood in apparent retaliation for her views on gender ideology.

In 2019, Oger successfully campaigned to strip the funding for Canada's oldest rape crisis center, Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter, due to its policy of serving only women. Oger said the shelter did not comply with Canadian law in comments made before the city committee meeting.

In the 12 years before Vancouver Rape Relief lost its city funding, its policies of only serving females and only allowing female peer rape counselors had been tested and upheld in court. Both the British Columbia Supreme Court and the British Columbia Court of Appeal ruled that the facility could maintain a female-only environment.

Despite the legal precedent, the City of Vancouver agreed with Oger and pulled funding it had previously provided to the shelter for educational outreach programs, despite the fact that the outreach programs were accessible to all, including transgender people.

While in the throes of defending its funding, Vancouver Rape Relief was targeted by a sickening harassment campaign from trans activists. A charity storefront was decorated with dead rats and messages like “KILL TERFS” and “trans women are women.” The term TERF means trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

To the trans community this means any woman who insists there are only two genders, or who stands up for women’s rights.

Prior to the incident with the shelter, Oger had already drawn the ire of Canadian women's rights advocates for supporting vexatious litigant Jonathan "Jessica" Yaniv.

As a trans-identified male, Yaniv became internationally known after filing a series of complaints against female aestheticians who refused to wax his male genitals. It was alleged during a lengthy proceeding that Yaniv targeted women with religious restrictions on male-female contact in order to force them to serve him, such as Sikhs and Muslims.

The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal ruled that estheticians can refuse to perform services that they are not trained to perform, such as waxing a scrotum.

The Meritorious Service Medal is not Oger's first. In 2018, he was given the award by then-Governor General Julie Payette for Oger’s advocacy for LGBTQ rights.

According to Feminist Current founder Meghan Murphy, Oger had made her feel unsafe in her own home, which prompted her to file a police report against him in 2020.

“This is a man who has gone out of his way to ensure that women don’t have safe places to go when escaping male violence. That the Canadian government has supported and celebrated him in these efforts is horrendous and shameful.”

Tavistock, England’s controversial transgender clinic received dozens of referrals for children under five, prompting officials to consider implementing a minimum age requirement. Tavistock is part of the U.K.’s Gender Identity Development Service or GIDS. GIDS is the only gender reassignment clinic in the U.K. which performs the procedure on minors.

In the past decade, 382 children aged six and under were referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).

According to Health Service officials, a minimum age of seven is now being considered for future patients, since younger children are incapable of communicating meaningfully with medics about their sexual orientation.


A new NHS England consultation recognized that little boys showing an interest in girls' clothes or toys, or vice versa, is "reasonably common" and "usually not indicative of gender incongruence".

It comes ahead of a long-awaited final report by consultant paediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, which is expected to make further far-reaching recommendations about transgender services for young people after her interim study led to GIDS being ordered to shut down, although that closure is being delayed until sometime in 2024.

Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch has also expressed concern about the spread of gender identity ideology in schools, stating that children should not be taught that they can be born in the wrong body.

GIDS statistics show the astonishing increase in young people seen there over the past decade, from 136 in 2010-11 to 3,585 in 2021-22.

Twelve three-year-olds were referred to the clinic during that time period, along with 61 four-year-olds, 140 five-year-olds, and 169 six-year-olds.

According to a survey by the Center for Democracy and Technology or CDT, parents and students are concerned about the increasing use of artificial intelligence technologies in schools. Using these technologies, privacy experts warn that children will be manipulated and controlled by fear.

In a CDT report released Dec. 12, more than half of parents and students surveyed were concerned about facial recognition and other AI technologies in schools. The technologies were more widely accepted by teachers, who were also surveyed.

Schools are increasingly implementing such tools, according to the report.

Those in favor of the technologies say they can protect school environments from violent threats, such as school shooters although no such benefit has ever been proven.

The use of AI technology in schools may include facial recognition cameras to check who should be allowed to enter a school building or who is authorized to be there, to track students’ physical location, “to notice unusual or irregular physical movements.”, to detect gunshots on school grounds, analyzing student data to predict which individual students would be most likely to commit a crime, violent act or an act of self-harm, sharing students personal and academic information with police, and to monitor student’s social media accounts.

In all cases the majority of parents and students were concerned about these technologies, but only about one third of teachers were.

In the report, there was also data indicating 88% of teachers said that their schools used student activity monitoring software, 40% reported that their schools monitored students' personal devices, and 38% reported their school monitored students outside of school hours.

Britain’s Sky News reported in October 2021 that 27 schools in the United Kingdom were using facial recognition technology to serve lunch to students, and 15 more were planning on implementing it — a measure purportedly intended to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

Note that Chinese schools are commonly equipped with facial monitoring cameras which are used to track whether or not students are paying attention, especially during indoctrination lessons.

Graphene oxide, a poisonous substance, has allegedly been found in Covid 19 "vaccines", in our water supply, in our food, and even in chemtrails.

There is some evidence to suggest that electromagnetic frequencies such as 5G activate it and may cause it to produce more severe effects.

Covid symptoms are similar to those of graphene oxide poisoning and EMF radiation sickness.

Those who have so far refused to receive a single dose of the Covid-19 injection should know that some doctors believe Graphene can be transmitted from the Covid-19 vaccinated to the unvaccinated.

Fortunately, there are ways to remove graphene oxide from your body.

Glutathione is made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is produced naturally by the liver and is involved in many processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins necessary for the body, and for the immune system. We have a natural glutathione reserve in our bodies. The strength of our immune system is due in part to our glutathione reserve.

A high level of glutathione in the body is conducive to good health and immunity. A cytokine storm occurs when graphene oxide exceeds glutathione levels in the body and causes the immune system to collapse. The way graphene oxide can rapidly grow to exceed glutathione in the body is by electronic excitation. Meaning, electromagnetic fields bombard the graphene to oxidise it, triggering symptoms.

There are things you can do to protect yourself from 5G and other EMF signals. You can purchase clothing that blocks it. You may also consider putting an EMF blocking panel between your smart meter and your house, as smart meters emit many times the radiation a cell phone does.

By the fourth decade of life, we are making 30% less glutathione. By age 65, we produce around 50% less glutathione. Those with pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, also have extremely low glutathione levels. Infants, children, and athletes have extremely high glutathione levels, which is part of the reason they are not typically at risk from infectious diseases.

The amino acid N-acetylcysteine or "NAC" is a supplement that is a precursor for glutathione. It causes the body to secrete glutathione. You can get NAC as a supplement. NAC is most effective when combined with Zinc.

While you can also purchase glutathione itself as a supplement, studies have shown that the oral pills are oxidized in the liver to such an extent that taking glutathione supplements could actually lower your glutathione levels. NAC is better as it causes your body to make its own glutathione.

Other supplements that can be taken to assist in the removal of graphene oxide are:

Astaxanthin, Melatonin, Milk Thistle, Quercetin, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3

A U.S. government think tank tried to hide a report that predicted approximately two thirds of the global population would die by 2025.

The Deagel Corporation, which provides briefing documents to agencies such as the National Security Agency, the United Nations and World Bank removed the report from their website in 2020, however thanks to the Wayback Machine we can still access it.

Predictions for many countries were included in the report.

Deagal predicted the U.K. population would drop by 77% by 2025, the U.S. by 68.5% and Canada by 26%. It is possible that Canada’s predicted drop is much lower due to our current open door immigration policies.

Given that we know the U.S. government, and especially the Department of Defense, spent more than 40 billion dollars on the development and distribution of vaccines, and that the Deagel Corporation answers to the same sorts of people, could it be that this is not a forecast, but a target?

A target that clearly is not being met. Unless of course their plan is simply behind schedule.

And finally it’s time for news from the weird world of the woke, the land that logic forgot.

The Trudeau government's decision to mandate menstrual products in men's bathrooms has drawn international ridicule and ignited social media with unflattering comments about its policies.

The Canadian Labour Code update that took effect on December 15 now makes tampons and sanitary pads available to both men and women working in federal roles, including at military bases and airports.

Social media has been rife with negative comments from around the world, including this gem from X user FedUpWithGovmt which reads “Yo Canada. You have a very serious problem. This woke nut job is leading your country”.

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People's Party of Canada has accused Trudeau's government of attacking masculinity on a systematic basis.

By becoming obsessed with gender issues, Bernier said, "their goal is to turn as many men as possible into non-binary, trans, gender-fluid, weak, effeminate sissies."

If that’s the case, at least Trudeau is leading by example.

That is all for this week’s Iron Will Report. We were recently banned on Youtube so please help us spread the truth by telling others about the Iron Will Report. Your friends can get a full access 15 day free trial without providing their credit card information. They will be granted instant access.

As we usually release interviews on Sundays and Wednesdays, there is only one interview coming out this week, as Sunday is New Year’s Eve.

On Wednesday, Dr. Mark Trozzi provides a summary of all the known harms of the covid injections, with an update on a number of significant discoveries made in the past year. This interview makes it clear that despite Covid being a minor flu, the globalists may very well have succeeded in creating an effective depopulation tool.

There will be no news report next week as I’m having cataract surgery. In it’s place we will be bringing you a special report on possible plans by our government to dissolve the Canadian banking system to make way for CBDCs.

1patriot 8 Jan 7

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"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
-- Samuel Johnson



''Dr''. Trozzi was suspended in Ontario for giving false exemptions for anti Covid shots.


yes just like in Alberta the college of physician and surgeons kicked all our best dr. to the curb also for speaking out! then a lot of the public that supported the mandates thought these were bad doctors. when it was actually the other way around. these shot are dangerous as fuck 20 million dead and still climbing. heart problem, blood clots, turbo cancers. but hey i don't want to scare you if your convinced they are great for you keep getting them and you will find out flyingshitsir says he's got 5 of them. and he's still standing. i know of 4 dead now and one injured. how many you got so far? most bikers aren't that stupid to get these shot but hey you likely work in the health care industry or wanted to fly for holidays. you were against the trucker convoy to bet the stupidity of it is all connected! well countries around the world are banning these shots. but you refuse to look at the evidents.

@1patriot "countries around the world are banning these shots".
Name ONE.....I'll wait.......

@annewimsey1 looks like 18 countries so far i will let you look it up as your search engine is so much better than mine. and it the same shit you do to me!

  1. Stopping free vax programs because they have worked well is Not "banning the shots" !!!!!!!!
    name One, that's all I'm asking.......
    Oh, and my "search engine" is the Android running on my 10" tablet, exclusively.

@annewimsey1 iceland

@1patriot I have five shots because I care about the elderly people in my life. I got them because like 80% of Canadians it's the right thing to do. I just got the flu shot also and the Shingrix against shingles. You live in fear because you believe people die from the Covid shot, which is just not true, show some evidence of 20 milllion dead. I doubt the people you knew died from the covid shot you are just a liar. Happy to see that even Alberta suspends loser doctors who are incompetents. The protest truckers are dicks, there is a class action suit against those criminals here in Ottawa.

@1patriot []

In 30 seconds found that you are full of shit, Iceland did not stop Covid vaccines.

@1patriot <--- what a simple minded whiney lil bitch

@BabyYoda big baby your fucking behind there up to 7 now so fuck off and go get your shots!

@annewimsey1 [] States Are Banning COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements
Arkansas, Montana and South Carolina are the latest states to advance bills or enact laws that ban requirements based on vaccine status.

The countries that don't want the COVID-19 vaccine

[] A TOTAL of 18 countries have suspended the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine due to fears it may cause blood clots.
CDC All-Cause Mortality Data shows that every year, every vaccinated person becomes more and more likely to die at a rate of 7% PER JAB PER YEAR. That is a slow-acting genetic poison.
If people were recovering from the 1st jab, then it would not be having precisely the same effect as the 5th jab (namely a 7% increase in mortality). This is the long term problem. People are not recovering from the damage done by the shots in terms of excess mortality.

@1patriot Where are your 20 million dead? Millions of shots and 40 blood clots reported on 1 vaccine. You said 20 million dead from vaccines. You are the opposite of a patriot anti vaxxers are just cowards and selfish people.

@1patriot "Iceland" is wrong!
And again, removing a requirement that people dealing with the public Must be vaccinated is NOT "banning" anything....learn to read FFS.

@annewimsey1 what about the other 17 countries! oh yea i forgot one was a head line and than it changed so you don't fucking look at the other 17 country fucking brain dead woke old lady!

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