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Except that asshole Christie still said he'd vote for him if he was the nominee.

That is just so wrong! What a pathetic creature. He knows who Trump is and would still put him back in the Oval Office. Now the fat man has absolutely no credibility with anyone, right, left, or center.


Attention Patriots!
Our Jeezus Trumpy is in deep shit!
The mean New York court is gonna fine him 350 million bucks!
For that reason, Lord Jeezus must liquidate some assets.
Starting Saturday Jan 11, he will begin auctioning off some of his stuff.
First to go will be a golden toilet.
Starting bid is set at half a million bucks.
This auction will be in the front yard of his Mar-a- Lago estate.
Auction will open at 9 am sharp!
Champagne and Cheeseburgers will be provided free!
First 1,000 cars should honk their horns in a show of support for our Lord Jeezus!


And HARD too!!

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