Exactly the sort of behavior that ensures the judge is going to throw the book at you Karen...
Wait!!!! He's unhinged NOW????? Who knew????!!!!!!
By going against an agreement between the court and him, surely this is at least contempt of court.
He doesn't have to agree... Just the behavior in itself is contempt. After the judges warning that nails it down as contempt.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz. But he's hardly ever held responsible !! Anybody else would be held in contempt IN JAIL !!
@ThinkingFree Dog knows I would have been... This is the real problem with our so-called "justice system" Right now nearly half of congress in both houses are according to the 14th amendment disqualified from holding any office be it state or federal, elected or appointed as well as several on the US Supreme Court... Yes the 14th amendment includes the judiciary.
Big baby trump, banging on his highchair again, as usual.