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How do I get in touch with support here ? Something seems to be buggy

Kattytrotter 3 Jan 13

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We have been limping around for some time now. There may or may not be some support but whatever it is is silent. All communication is pretty much in the clear, so find groups that you like and people that you like and join the groups and follow the people that will lead you through the site. There are still some active people here that will interact with you and respond . Just jump in and give your two cents worth.


Sorry, I can't resist…

Now that I've got that out of my system, welcome to the community. In the early days, the site was well supported and the pet project of its owner. He has, for better or worse, abandoned the site. We're on our own. (If that isn't a metaphor for leaving religion, I don't know what is.) Regardless, I'm a less active member in the last couple of years as I've seen the quality of the site decline. But, with that said, there's still an active community here and some good discussion to be had. Again, welcome.

@resserts I don’t understand the humor but I will pretend like I do.
What can we do to change it ? It’s like a herd with nobody to monitor things. Are there any other communities like this one ? I know Twitter isn’t as fun as this place.

@Kattytrotter The humor — apparently not as humorous as I'd thought — was about the futility of getting in touch with support. There's nobody tending the herd — but at least they keep the pasture open for us. There are still functional groups, though, so my advice is to avail yourself of the site features that still work. I'm unfamiliar with other sites similar to this one.


Since maybe 3 years whoever they are has been AWOL, in fact the site vanished for months last year because they never renewed the certificate. Don't waste your time!
P.S. Messenger doesn't work At All, except occasionally one-way, nobody can reply to anything.

That’s crazy, I was hoping to make friends here. I guess it’s high time to start enjoying the community instead


This site does not appear to be well supported, thanks for trying.

Sigh, I got some welcome messages and can’t reply to them.


Also, I sent an email and haven’t gotten a word back yet.

That is normal, the message service has been on the blink for a while.

@Fernapple Hmm, that’s something to think about. I hope it s fixed

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