And yet with all the baggage, the felonies, treason, espionage and sexual depravity, the SUPER-MORAL Evangelicals will stick with this creep. I know. They figure they'll get their Christian State if he wins. Except, quite predictably, the polling shows that his character and the theft of basic rights will give the election to the democrats. He was a loser and will be a loser again, and yet the best alternatives on offer are Haley and DeSantis?!
Unless they pull some shit with the State Secretaries or Biden dies. Both parties are irresponsible in their decision-making.
That's not a good thing with everything at stake. This could be the year Humanity failed. (And there is no god to care).
At this point all I can do is keep throwing rocks at the orange menace, vote in November, and hope for the best.
Honestly, after studying this debacle for so long, I really think the weakness of the Democratic party will sink this country, and inevitably, the world. Trump fanatics will crawl over broken glass to vote for him, but the rest of the people, stunningly, don't seem to care. What the he!! is the matter with people, that they would so readily give up their democratic republic to a 2-bit brain-damaged thug? I never had a great opinion of human nature, but I am truly baffled by all of this. I remember the McCarthy era. My mother used to tell me that could never happen again. Well, she died before Dump came along. If she hadn't, she would have died when she saw what is happening now!
@Organist1 I think a felony conviction would turn off a lot of people who are presently sitting on the fence. But I take your point. You have to be kinda hypnotized or in a coma to be sitting on a fence today. But the Done Cheato does have a certain Svengali-like power over people. It's scary how so many people are walking around in a trance-like state.
@Flyingsaucesir It reminds me of a zombie apocalypse.
@Organist1 Well, a member of a personality cult IS a kind of zombie. And they ARE infectious. And they WILL eat your face off if you let them.