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Are people still dying from Covid This is NOT from some crackpots who think this disease is a global conspiracy. It is from the CDC and people who devote their lives to medicine and science. []

jackjr 7 Jan 16

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I've always been a loner so keeping my distance was not a big thing. What I do miss is the closeness to people I really do like!

LOL well you better start hugging them again fauci lied about the 6ft distance.


While the chances of dying from covid are far slimmer now than before vaccines, treatments and the popularity of masks, I don't want to even get mildly sick from it and/or pass it on to folks even more frail than me.

I was on a Boeing 737-800 a little over a week ago, everyone in my row wore masks, most people on the plane didn't, though a small percentage did. Hopefully those who may have had holiday exposure or who are elderly and not in a position to be able to handle covid well took their own precautions too.

I'm so glad we have the science to keep it better in check now, and that some of us have common sense and take compassionate precautions for others.

I'm also glad I live in a "low" state, with lots of fresh air and space around me, so I rarely feel the need to protect myself, and feel that I'm a pretty safe person for others to be around because of that.

It's so nice to feel protected with vaccinations and probable previous infection for my own safety. I've very rarely in close proximity to others, so glad to be largely mask free, knowing everyone I allow close to me are similarly safe people to be around.

Covid and flu are still around, and maybe I just notice folks coughing more now than I used to, but I definitely give lots of space between me and anyone with a cough. I just never want to be so sick again in my life and don't mind backing away from people freely coughing and spewing their germs!

Know how you feel. Here we had the lowest infection rate and highest vaccination rate in the state. We didn't have our first death until after the Covid restrictions started to be lessened.

I wonder if one is safer in pools. Either the chemicals (in Europe ozone is used) will kill the virus.

@jackjr I go out to swim almost every day in my condo pool. The water is so cold this time of year, I'm nearly always the only one swimming. Another resident bought neoprene wet suit like mine, and she swims during the hour after me. We are sometimes in the pool at the same time overlapping, but we stay our distance and always have. I give her the sunny side and I stick to the shady side, so we each keep to our own lane, haha!

We both only swim with our heads above water. But even if I were to swim underwater, the chemicals the pool guy used is supposed to clear away virus. I talk to the pool guys from time to time and I ask them if they would swim in the pools deemed "safe" and they always so no and if they do, they shower off well right away. So, that's part of the reason I swim with my head above water and shower before and after my swims. Not for covid concerns, but just general bacteria.

I think just being outside in the sunlight for an hour per day, getting some exercise with my laps, is worth any risk of what's in the water. While I love swimming in the ocean, and have some great spots for that, I'm not that strong of a swimmer and fear drowning more than getting sick from the pool. So far so good. When I swim in the ocean, I either choose life guarded beaches and/or take a floaty device with me.

During the covid restrictions, I wasn't allowed to use my pool (even though I would be the only person in it at a time) so I would have to go to the ocean for my swims. Life guards weren't working and the people would crowd to the safe swimming areas, where I was often closer than 6 feet to people gasping for air or talking. I have more space around me in the pool. 😉

It's also the time of day my neighbors and annual visitors know I'll be out, if they want to talk with me. So, I also get my socialization in at that time, which is good for my mental health.

Here on Kauai, we had zero covid cases for months on end during the restrictions, and then it ballooned up when flights started coming in with no restrictions, but thankfully it was after the opportunity to vaccinate for those of us who wanted that protection.

@Julie808 Your last paragraph IMHO, clearly shows the COVID is a real thing. Just like invasive species, nothing there until the place is opened up for new/different bugs/critters to come in.

@Julie808 Often when I have a question I look it up. [] As you said it's not under water that presents a danger but outside of it.

@Julie808, @silverotter11 Why do we seem to have sooo many idiot conspiracy theorists these days? Are they that desperate for attention or just plain stupid (or both). The patriot guy seems to be the ideal model of crazy as no matter how many question him or ignore him he keeps trying. Certainly, this has been a big topic for psychologists.

@jackjr OMG! The patriot guy is a real nutter - IMHO. Plus he,she,it seems to really need to get in the last word. Ignorance and stupid is srtong in that one.


All I know in Australia the Bureau of statistics states that on average 150,000 die of influenza , either directly or comorbidity every year. The statistics for the comm0on cold, is roughly similar around 140,000 a year I think.
COVID deaths directly and comorbidities are stated 1500 as my information is from early last year, this figure may have risen somewhat.
Make of it what you will.
My information can easily be verified at the official Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

OMG you mean @1patriot has been Exaggerating????????? Quelle surprise!!!!!

@annewimsey1 the CDC is not recording those that die from the shot. fuck they don't want any one to know that! that what i have been speaking about all along Annie....your memory slipping.

you heard about this guy whistleblower keep records for the federal government


Those that are vaccinated have (much) better odds of surviving if they get it. Those that have refused the vaccine are less likely to die because of the anti-virals.

However, if they're sick enough to go to the hospital, they will likely have some form of long covid with infarcts in one or more parts of their body (regions of dead tissue due to spike-induced blood clots).

One could get a small infarct from the vaccine, but the true incidence of this is far less (and much less severe than if one gets covid itself. The amount of spike-protein is much less from the vaccine, but people are different and respond differently.

Still, especially in the earlier days people dying from Covid still refused to believe they even had the disease. I wonder if a part of the virus starts in the brain.

@jackjr Nah, I think those folks already had a lack of functioning synapses from watching too much FOX, OANN and Newsmax.


This makes pretty depressing reading.

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