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What other languages do you speak? I'm learning French and getting better at my Spanish.

Redcupcoffee 7 May 5

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Bet there aren't many Swahili speakers here!
Kama wena kubali Kiswahili, kuja sukumuza!

Pole pole, Bwana!

@GoldenDoll Wena kona kaa wapi? Mimi ni mwaninchi ya Kenya. Na salewa Nairobi.

@Petter - I once had a Zairian boyfriend who spoke Swahili to me. He even recorded Swahili songs.

@GoldenDoll They only speak Swahili in the very Eastern part of Zaire, where it shares a border with Tanganyika.
I grew up on a couple of farms in Kenya, and Swahili was the very first language I could speak. Later I learned English, then French, then Spanish. I also have a smattering of Norwegian and can handle very basic communication in Italian.


Fortran, COBOL, Assembler, Vision.....
A smattering of Basic and C++......

What? No HTML?

Nope... by then, I wasn't allowed to touch code.
I was moved into management where I could do less damage.


As Korben Dallas said, 'Lady, I speak two languages--English and bad English.'


I understand a lot more Spanish than I speak. I can say "thank you" in about 8 different languages, but that's it.


I have 7 in varying degrees of fluency. English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Hebrew, and Yiddish. Smatterings of Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese are tenuously clinging to a few synapses, but nothing to write home about.

I also am fluent in FORTRAN, Basic, Mathspeak, and Physics.


I speak very little Spanish. I would love to become fluent in it.

C'est cool, je suis partie à l'française moi-même bien que.

@SpikeTalon I took two years of French in high school, and I am surprised I could read a majority of which you replied. I would have answered you back in another language, but I would have had to cheat,and that's not how I roll. lol

@SpikeTalon - Now that really doesn't make sense - Essaie encore une fois! And don't use google translate, c'est de la merde.

@GoldenDoll How does that not make sense? I am part French ethnically speaking. That's what I meant to say anyway, did I use a wrong word? My Francais is not what it used to be, I pretty much said the above comment is cool and that I am part French. I don't use a translator.

@SpikeTalon - All the words are wrong. You said "i am involved to the french myself even though"Just coz one of your ancestors was French doesn't mean you are.

@GoldenDoll Ah ok, thanks for that feedback, my French is really rusty. What I said was true though, some of my ancestry is French, along with other European ethnicities as well. Never said I was French, just the ancestry, I identify as American.


Haitian Creole, French, Spanish, Thai, some Japanese

@Redcupcoffee I was born of American missionaries in Haiti and grew up there. The western side of the island, the Dominican Republic, speaks Creole and French, the eastern two thirds speak Spanish. So I grew up hearing and speaking the languages with my friends.

The Thai I Iearned from living in Thailand since 2010, and Japanese I learned while commuting 4 hours each way to teach in Narathiwat, on the border of Thailand and Malaysia. I stopped doing it when the Japanese began overwriting my Thai.


I can swear in German, Spanish & Korean. Currently I'm learning naughty words in Japanese.


French...Ma belle ami

Fritz Level 3 May 6, 2018

Si vous pouvez lire ceci, alors vous comprenez un peu le français. Intéressant et différent post.

Je peux lire la première partie, mais la deuxième - qu'est ce que vous essayez de dire?

@GoldenDoll My Francais is not what it used to be, but you got most of the first part correct, and I said this was a different and interesting post. Please see my other response to your comment, I don't use a translator.

@GoldenDoll Assuming I read your comment correctly that is, been years since I took French.

@SpikeTalon - I got most of the first part correct? Jesus. The second part was gobblegook. Maybe you'd better try Google translate then - I was giving you an excuse!

@GoldenDoll Nah, have no use for a translator, if I get it wrong oh well, been years since I took French. Good thing for me I won't be traveling to France anytime soon. Actually, I try to avoid using as many Google apps as possible.

@GoldenDoll I met someone on another app who is from France and speaks the language well, and I shared with him the first comment I made above and what I meant to say, and he understood me fully. The above translated is like-If you can read this, then you understand a little French. Interesting and different post. So I didn't get anything incorrect above there, seems like your translator is a bit off there. I wouldn't be surprised if I got the bottom comment messed up though.

@SpikeTalon - the French guy was being indulgent - the first thing you learn about French is that adjectives come after the noun - and you think the french don't have a word for "post"?

@GoldenDoll I don't recall saying they didn't have a word for post...

@GoldenDoll By the way, what you said is technically incorrect in some instances, and good thing I looked it up because I thought so. []
I think my French ami just said it like it was.


English, and bad English.


A small amount of Korean and Japanese. At one point, I had decent talent with Spanish, but not as much practice now.


I can speak some Spanish. I am a midwife, so it was mostly prenatal visits, labor, birth, post partum visits, and birth control. I picked it up from the interpreters. I would ask them how to say different words and phrases and have them write it down. I did fairly well with it. My accent was not too bad either. Since I retired I noticed that I am forgetting some, so I have a couple of email sites that I use to refresh my usage. I took French in high school, but that was about 55 years ago, so I remember very little. I also study Irish, since our horses are from Ireland, I'm Irish, and our horses names and the farm name are all Irish. I'm not good at it though. Just barely get it.


French, basic Spanish. I can’t wait to try one of those live translator earbuds!!!

@Redcupcoffee started as a tot in school and then decided to major in it in college. Traveled to get fluent. I try to keep it up watching movies and listening to music. More fluent after wine, hahahahahha!

The way to get good at a language is to just keep trying no matter what an idiot you feel like.



@Redcupcoffee Bella Italiana


Some Deutsch.


Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) and hindi (हिंदी). I can manage Konkani to some extent

@Redcupcoffee supposedly konkani, but I grew up with Kannada as my native language. I picked up Hindi in college.


I speak fluent profanity in three languages


I'm getting better at English...?


French fluently - it was the lingua franca at work (EC in Brussels) and we even spoke it in Delegation in India when that opened, and of course in the Delegation in Geneva. Fluent Italian - I just loved it from the first time I heard it, went to Italy to learn it, bought a little house there. I used to teach French & Italian when I came back to England (nothing else to do with languages here!). I'm pretty good at German, as I sat next to a German woman in the office who never shut up on the phone. And now as I'm a supply teacher I can blag it pretty well in Spanish, as it's so similar to Italian. And I was married to a Russian for a while, so I know all the worst Russian swearwords.


Pig-Latin, a dying language.


I am getting better in Spanish, but far from strong. I just started learning Italian. I am fluent in profanity


French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, in order of fluency!

@Redcupcoffee Whenever I travel somewhere, I listen to tapes in my car. I've always loved languages.

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