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Society has been brainwashed into believing that there is a Climate Crisis.
There is no Climate Emergency ... just another scam courtesy of the globalists agenda πŸŒπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³.

Please do not allow people, whether in positions of authority or not, to get away with absurd statements that fly in the face of the facts.
There is no climate emergency and there’s not going to be one.
The entire premise is wrong.
Best wishes

Jan 23, 2024 DrMikeYeadon

1patriot 8 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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If you give all your money to people with dementia, they will magically change the weather and cause global chilling.

Atheists are retarded


Keep things in perspective folks.


And so who is brainwashing my grandmothers' daffodils into blooming close to a month early, along with every other spring-flowering plant/tree?

And why are all the glaciers melting? And why are tropical species invading formerly temperate zones? And why are hurricanes and typhoons so powerful now that they have to create a new category (6)? And why are forest fires now off the charts?

We know why. It's because we burn fossil fuels like there's no tomorrow.

And if we keep it up, someday, for a whole lot of people, there will be no tomorrow.

The question is, why do some people feel compelled to deny reality?

and it never ever happen ever before right!

@Flyingsaucesir your climate alarmist and money mangers, fear mongrels pharmra fear crying friends of yours, you know them because you were scared of getting sick instead of letting your bodies immune system fight it let them put poison into you body. but are the same bunch that are telling you the fucking sky is falling and your to stupid the realize the only thing that can warm this planet is the sun! if you look at the moon each night you would notice that the earth is at a different tilt, but i am sure you likely never go outside after dark!

Measurement of Pre-Industrial CO2 Levels
By Dr Timothy Ball
A major part of the focus on human produced CO2 as the cause of global warming
is the claimed increase in atmospheric levels from pre-industrial CO2 to the
present. Ice cores provide the historic record and data collected at Mauna Loa the
recent record. Both records are drastically modified to produce a smooth
apparently continuous curve. This was apparently necessary to confirm the
evidence from many 19th century measures that pre-industrial levels were
approximately 270 ppm. These records were adjusted and selected, but a rigorous
study of the data confirms that CO2 levels are generally higher and vary
considerably both daily and annually.
The hypothesis that global warming and climate change are due to human addition
of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere became fact before research had even
begun. Instead of allowing the scientific method of testing a thesis before it is
accepted, scientists who dared to question were effectively silenced and labeled as
skeptics and deniers. The scientific method was thwarted and as result major
assumptions went essentially unchallenged.
A hypothesis is only valid if the assumptions are correct. Evidence continues to
accumulate and show basic assumptions are fundamentally wrong. One holds that
an increase in CO2 causes temperature to increase. The ice core record shows
exactly the opposite. A second critical assumption, because it provides the β€œhuman
signal”, has pre-industrial levels of CO2 at 280 parts per million (ppm) rising to
current levels of 385 ppm.

@Flyingsaucesir more of your sick in the head woke friends not hard to figure out who is spreading the bull shit! but this guy is likely not jabbed!

@Flyingsaucesir This one is for the woke who are so easily offended. (1 worthwhile minute)



Another post that is complete and utter bullshit.
Congratulations @1patriot! You're still batting 1,000!

and you indoctrinated children with you woke call yourself a genius....but that what the woke crowd would call you. woke is a mental disorder and you should call MAID canada to help you with you problem

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