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Everyone watch your banking. I do everything from my debit card or pre-authorized check, then just set back and mark off the charges that come in. Tonight the Fraud Squad called and alerted me to $411.31 being drained from my bank account. We explored and shut this card down. My Thursday will be at my bank denying what frauds came in and also getting a brand new card, then setting up my payment plans again.

The group that got me said they were Netflix and I should up date my card. This was correct but they were not Netflix. The group was listed as pre-authorized SQ. SQUARE WEEBL and various other versions of the same. At the time the card was shut down I was out $411.31.

DenoPenno 9 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I've had charges made to my card online, i.e. on Walmart's site, but the charges were taken off. I do not stored a payment onsite any longer but remove it every time I order something. Did the bank automatically ok the charge?

They did until the Fraud Squad found it and called me. The next day I got a new bank card and the fake charges started falling off. In the end I still believed I was missing $46 but the bank did not agree, so I went with it. I think this might happen as the fraudulent site realizes they can get no more of your money. They just go on to the next victim.

@DenoPenno it just goes and on and on!


Hm-mm, thanks for that.


I'm always getting emails and texts stating that my membership from Netflix and Prime Video have expired but they haven't! Just scammers getting smarter, I guess, but I receive these texts and emails as I'm watching either of those streaming platforms.

Two of my schools require instructor to complete workshops in email phishing. One then tests us by sending us fake emails. I have never mistaken one for the real thing. They range from subscriptions expiring to notifications that a big screen TV has been charged on my Amazon account.


I use a credit card, then pay the cards, I never update based on a link provided in an email and instead go to the site to update directly on my account. It takes a few more keystrokes and time, but it is worth it.

I have programs that should have stopped this but I guess they are not working.


Good point, but think posted in wrong group 😉.
Use cash, draw out your income into cash. Imagine if totally digital, it's just not secure enough.

puff Level 8 Jan 31, 2024

That would put a stop to illegal card readers in gas pumps.

@floWteiuQ They are taking notes out of circulation in Australia, closing bank branches. They want a cashless society so keep using cash

@floWteiuQ Can't agree there. For the simple reason that online is not secure. Until that happens we need an alternative. We have had power outages and bank sites have crashed here. Service stations are chaos; people fill up but eftpos not working ie need cash. ATM's not working. Until they guarantee this shit won't happen we need cash. Until peoples banks accounts stop getting compromised we need cash. The government does give cashless cards to disadvantaged here but they are restricted in what they can purchase with it ie you do not control your money. Big Brother stuff.
It is the "West" that seeks a cashless society, BRICS does not. If the "West" does go cashless, I'm going to Thailand which will be BRICS.

@floWteiuQ There seems to be a world war brewing and that is where the lines will be I think.
One side will be fighting for the status quo and their vision of a global government, including a digital currency. The vision I could possibly fight for. The status quo not so eager to fight for eg US homogony, and their "rule's based order" with fiat (debt based) digital currency. All centrally controlled. Think of a "Star Trek" type world government, that's the ideal.

And one side seeks equal standing of nations, encouraging bilateral agreements not collective bargaining in trade (aka sanctions if misused). That they trade in their own currencies, which will be resource backed, in conjunction with a currency for world trade, also resource based.

History shows Empires don't last forever..

Like everything a combination is best. Conspiracy theory? Been releasing reports on going cashless societies here on the news, regularly, showing the last 2 years on time graphs Vs spending habits as proof society is discarding cash in favour of digital purchases. Totally dishonest as they fail to mention Covid. Read minutes from Davos, G7, IMF etc. It's the cunning plan that cannot fail. I can't see people accepting that world wide.

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