If you've not experienced the same as another, why do you deny their experience?
Delusional is still delusional...
@Drank_Spear because I am not the one attempting to browbeat others into seeing things my way....
@Drank_Spear aaaannnnd, res ipsa.
you have no idea what res ipsa means, do you, and no idea how to use Google to find out, apparently.
It's not Denying but is about Value and Rejecting a Worthless/false matter.
You can be High on dozens of shits, or suffer from a Mental Illness that makes you crazy illusions, or No, you're doing something wrong!
Then your Illusions (call it your reality and experience) and results are unique per person, in this case, just for you!
your personal experience/Illusions is just in your head, be happy with it, but no one going to buy it! (at least here!)
This is where Scientific methods value comes from. a tool that validates What 2 Colleagues/Persons (or more) can experience and observe the Same phenomenon&results, accept and call it as a Common Reality.
What I guess you're unfamiliar with.
@Drank_Spear Well, in this case, you're Not as Unique as you think! Sadly or luckily, we have seen Enough like you.
@Drank_Spear How do you know that people have not investigated both well and deeply ?
@Drank_Spear Then sorry, you have much to learn about humans. Especially my generation who invented most of it.
@Drank_Spear Naturally.
@Drank_Spear And taking credit for a lot of evil, is not a boost for the ego.