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Has anyone met somewhere here and actually had a date?

LIB75002 6 May 6

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I got very lucky and met a wonderful woman on here in January. We've been on a few dates and she has become my best friend. I haven't had the time or inclination to find anyone else.


No, but I'd like to.


I have had a date. Not good.


I have met several wonderful people on this site. have I had a date from one of them? No I have not. Geography comes into many times, a coffee date 900 miles away is to meet. This is not to say this is a bad place. I love the people, their opinions, jokes and just about everything but the actual distance to meet them


Yes-myself and many others I've communicated with.




We are planning on meeting this week, so I would have to say YES!




Had lunch with the one other person within 10 years of my age near me.

We really had little in common but at least we tried


It might be important to note that people that has had successful matchings are not apt to return to this site and answer this question🙂

MrDMC Level 7 May 6, 2018

Nope. Not against the idea though.


Yes I have.


A date, in my view, is what might happen after a 'meet-up'. If enough interests or passions in common are discovered in meeting, then I'd try to arrange a 'date' or activity to share in which there is mutual interest. That is how I see people getting to know each other, possibly developing affection or just enjoying the company.

About a month ago, I met a nice woman for lunch. We had an interesting (for me) conversation. If something comes up that might be of mutual interest or that she might find to be (also) perhaps we'll get together for it. I didn't detect a lot of our interests going in the same direction, but she is definitely an interesting person - as is.

Come to think of it, I'm going to message her and see how one of her projects is coming along.

Distance seems be a difficulty for many people to do that first step meet. Many people aren't free to travel far on an adventure at all, and some of us just not without some planning. There are several women on this site I'd like to meet and you are one of them. One good way might be (are y'all listening out there?) video calls on messenger. Seeing a person speaking, hearing their voice inflections, humor, emphases, expressions, etc. would be particularly informative for women. Females are more comfortable with hearing and sight than the (left-brain) written word. Males also can't bite through a screen... 🙂

Excellent point, about the biting???

Video calls? I am rather vain so makeup, hair and clothes must be considered....I have a microphone and cam somewhere...........

@LIB75002 Just worked on a movie set the other day and noticed they have the same concerns. As mentioned before, most of beauty can't be seen by the eyes. 🙂

@Silver1wun Yes, but if you are 10 lbs overweight, most men don't stick around to find that.

@LIB75002 Most men, unfortunately for most women, aren't worth having around if that is a factor.


I am from South Africa and we don't grow dates here !


I think this site might be too new to have had very many members be located close enough to each other and interested enough in each other to meet up for a date.

But for now, I'm enjoying the community 🙂

smox Level 4 May 6, 2018

True, there are only a few near me.

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