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A match made in Hell

Flyingsaucesir 8 Feb 18

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It was all a hoax:

Durham found that the FBI acted too hastily and relied on raw and unconfirmed intelligence when it opened the Trump-Russia investigation.
He also claimed that FBI investigators fell prone to “confirmation bias,” repeatedly ignoring or rationalizing away information that could have undercut the premise of their investigation, and he noted that the FBI failed to corroborate a single substantive allegation from a dossier of research that it relied on during the course of the probe.

“An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes,” the report said, using the FBI’s code name for the Trump-Russia probe. “Unfortunately, it did not.”


BD66 Level 8 Feb 19, 2024

In spite of Attorney General Bill Barr's attempted whitewash of the Mueller Report, we know that Trump obstructed justice at least ten times during the investigation. What was Trump hiding? We also know that Trump's good buddy Rodger Stone lied for him under oath. Hence the conviction for perjury and subsequent pardon to keep his mouth shut. Mueller also concluded that his investigation could NOT rule out collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians. The Mueller investigation achieved dozens of serious felony convictions of both Trump Campaign and Russian operatives. And what did Durham achieve? One guilty plea on a low-level infraction (exaggerating on a FISA warrant). These FACTS speak for themselves: the Trump-Russia probe was entirely justified, and the Durham probe was a farce designed to obfuscate the truth.


Of course, and the Republicans will roll over and play dumb for him.

I don't think they are playing.

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