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Yipeee! Now we have a fair chance at restoring the blue wall, legalize cannabis, bring body autonomy back to women, stop the wolf hunts, put books back in school libraries. Finally some real good news of substance. The Repuuubs caved as they feared what the Within Supreme Court would do if they hadn't agreed to a fair map. Flip this Assembly cheeseheads.

Mooolah 8 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Either they get thrown to the street like the boozy town drunk playing a clown, or they'll petulantly pretend they don't deserve to have painted themselves into a corner and devolve into padded cell gibberish. Or maybe both at once...


It’s unfortunate the crazy democraps are gaining more power in Wisconsin. Hopefully people will wake up some day and remove them from power.

We haven't gained any power yet. We have only redrawn a highly slanted map. Now we have a chance to stop the wolf hunts, restore the blue wall, restore body autonomy, place books back in the libraries. We flipped our supreme court & now we are on to Madison and beyond. Crazy is attacking OUR capitol in DC. Crazy is fellating Putin. Crazy is thinking our confidential documents belong next to the toilet.. Crazy is grapping women by the short hair. Crazy is giving corporations a no tax law. Crazy is not seeing the danger in Europe. Crazy is juggling his property values. Crazy is asking for 11,752 non existent votes. Crazy is placing illegitimate electors as official. Crazy is not being able to change ones mind when such over whelming danger threatens our country by all of the Grifter in Chiefs grifts. The people are awake and that is why we flipped the court. The Repubes caved as had they not the next map would be even more in our favor. Liz Cheney on the Rupuuubs primary ballot is where I place my vote just to remind the MAGots who is a patriot.

Crazy Democraps? What about Repugs? Hint. I would vote for Liz Cheney in a heartbeat.

@Mooolah Being crazy is opening the border to allow millions of people to cross illegally and unverified, giving billions to Iran which they used to destabilize the Middle East and attack US forces, reckless spending which caused the worst inflation in over 40 years and regulations aimed at shutting down the US oil and gas industry losing millions of jobs and benefiting China in the process! It amazes me that people continue to support someone with such a radical agenda.

@Trajan61 I am amazed also but for a different you already know. I would respond to each of your arguments but I would be repeating myself endlessly. The border is not open. The $$$to Iran was for humanitarian purposes. Inflation was caused by covid supply chain break. Oil & gas usage must be reduced unless one believes that climate change is a fabrication. See you at the polls.

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