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I swear to gawd... my kids drive me feckin nuts. If any appliance fucks up, for some reason, my grown ass adult sons call me to "fix" it. Yes, I have a tech background... I READ THE FUCKING MANUAL which, evidently, that makes me a bloody expert. I tell you now.. I will be dead and gone and down to dust and the washer will fuck up and my son will get a gawdamn Ouija board to pester the shit out of me in the supposed afterlife.

SallyInStitches 7 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I can relate to your experience. I was an electronic technician during my working years. When stuff breaks family and friends think I'm the magic fix it man.


Hey! Can you come over and fix our lawnmower?

I have to fix the linkage on my ruding mower, just need to get ramps from my mechanic son & if I tell him why I need them, he will fix it for me.


Yep, have the same issue,
mine are in their 30s, son is amazing on computers, a systems engineer, but outside of that? OK, he can handle some stuff, but they don't have the depth of knowledge we had.


Hey can you come over and fix my stove clock? It's been blinking 12 since my power went out 🙂

I have the same problem with my VCR!

@LEPeff VCR! It's 2018 where do you find VHS tapes?

@paul1967 in my basement

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