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Sin itself is a truly sick concept, the idea that people are born sinners is even sicker.

Druvius 8 Mar 26

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It's an attempt to explain the frailty and depravity of the human condition without blaming it on God.


Long before "sin" became a religious term, it was a term used in archery, which meant a person missed the target they were aiming for. The concept of "sin" has devolved via religion to mean something catastrophic.

As to being born a sinner. I am sure a baby would not even be able to lift a bow, let lone hit the target with an arrow.


Sin means to break a law. Guess what, 4 year olds hit people. We don't put 4 year olds in jail for hitting people, but it's still a sin.

To say you are born a sinner, means it is inevitable that you will break the law at some point in your life.

there is no such thing as sin. There are criminal acts,immoral acts, unethical acts etc but sin is just a Christian concept. The concept of "original sin" goes back to the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve got fruity.

@Moravian Agreed. Sin requires the existence of a mythological god.

@Moravian hahaha how the fuck do you explain criminal acts then? Because I can make a law saying anybody I don't like is a criminal . Sin isn't just a Christian concept

@Communistbitch A criminal act is very easy to explain. It is an act that contravenes the laws of a country. You can make any laws you wish but I doubt if any court would uphold them. A sin is an act that contravenes the curch teachings but may or may not be a criminalct. For instance killing is often a criminal act but having sex before or outside marriage is not.

@Moravian your critical thinking skills fail at a critical juncture. It was a criminal act to be a prostitute, and the penalty for prostitution in the old days was to be stoned to death. That is what is meant by sin. Your idea that these sins weren't criminal is stupid. Just because they aren't criminal now, doesn't mean they weren't criminal before, in fact, Jesus was put to death for blasphemy, which was a crime.

@Moravian, @Druvius if divine laws are fiction, then how are laws made by man any less fiction?

@Communistbitch it has nothing to do with my thinking skills. Laws are constantly being changed. In the UK homosexuality was once illegal now it is not. Whether what the church says is a sin or not changes is of no interest to me. Anyway as an American you should be well aware of your legal system and it's hazards. A country that has 5% of the world's pop[ulation and 25% of the worlds convicts.

@Druvius the parliament said to stick needles in your arm and you did it dumb fuck

@Druvius and while your at it dumb fuck, murder and theft are against the 10 commandments

@Druvius, @Moravian there you go displaying your lack of critical thinking skills


Welcome to the evil of God Mobsters. 😟


If you manage to cut its power off, just leave it unplugged for gawdz sake! 😂

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