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If I had a dollar for every time I've encountered this "Christian" response. . . Back story: At my school we have 2 Pre – Kindergarten teachers that gave birth last month. One teacher is from a ridiculously rich family, the other teacher works after school cleaning toilets to make ends meet. Today while I made coffee, a half hour before school starts, the gym teacher told me the newborn son of teacher that works extra jobs died yesterday. Turn out last Sunday he choked on popcorn. I am guessing his pre - K age brother gave him the popcorn as they were both present when they tried to save him. About a half hour later a I asked the fifth grade teacher what she thought about the the Kindergartern teacher’s son. She responded, “Oh he’ll be fine. He’s young.” I told her, No, they medic flight him to Fargo (over a hundred miles) – I am guessing $20,000 – $50,000 uninsured expense for flight - where he died early the next morning.” She responded, “No. God would never allow that to happen.” I noted he was now dead, and that is why the mother and our principal were now in Fargo with the deceased boy. Her response was, “WELL. GOD HAD A PLAN”. Reminds me of a kind 8th grade student from our school that I knew. She hung herself. Her friends found her note that said, I have killed myself so I can live in heaven with my dead father and Jesus. The Vice president of the college held a meeting for our school and announced, “GOD HAD A PLAN for her.”


The baby shower for the newborn boy was scheduled for today after school. Needless to say, it was canceled.

NoMagicCookie 8 Mar 26

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God forgot to give brains to some, it seems.

Ryo1 Level 8 Mar 27, 2024

Yes, god had a plan. Some of the brainwashed are so much into this that if someone dies they claim "god needed another angel." I take this stupidity to show that they never read their book to find out where angels were supposed to come from.


If that was a god's plan I have no use for that god.

Yep. Almost funny.
Today after school we had a smudging. (Native American grief and/or purification ceremony) During the ceremony, "God's will (god had a plan)" was again evoked.
After the meeting while walking to my car, to my surprise, the oldest teacher, who I frequently disagree with (she is a conspiracy theory promoter/ climate change denier, Trump (our savior) won the election etc. Hard Republican, Hard Christian, 72 year old noted. "I disagree with them. I have no need for a god that would allow this to happen." I told her "I agree. We are both on the same page." She knows I am an atheist so that was almost funny.


When once you start down the path of accepting delusion, there are no limits.
And religion is in the business of promoting narcissism, because narcissists are needy and keep coming back, while religion does not care how toxic that narcissism is.


This woman has hypnotized herself in order to swallow all the total nonsense xtians can believe.


Tragic story….it has always amazed me more of us don’t die during childhood, given all the things that can kill us?!🤨
I nearly died at least 4 times before I made it out of high school!?! The first time being in a house fire when I was 3….

Good point.
Glad you made it.
When I was a kid most (2) of the kids I knew who died young died from suicide.
Another classmate (4th grade) died from an asthma attack.
Both of his parents smoked 2 packs a day each. Going into his house, it was hard to see as the blueish grey cigarette smoke was so thick.


"GOD HAD A PLAN". Ha! They escape responsibility, accountability, and absolve themselves of any guilt. It should be called "THE ESCAPE PLAN".

Betty Level 8 Mar 26, 2024

Interesting story. If the teacher is a judgemental bitch then it's interesting that her dumbass wasn't watching her child properly that it died from choking on popcorn, then why the fuck is she watching other people's kids?

Two different teachers. The5 th grade teacher "God had a plan" is not the kindergarten teacher who's other son (I am guessing) fed his baby brother a popcorn.

Some people have compassion, empathy, and sympathy, and some people don't.

@Betty and you don't have any empathy, you're a psychopath.

@Communistbitch You have based that assumption on...what?

@Betty assumption? Tell me, who are you being empathetic to?

@Communistbitch My comment said some do and some don't. Each person should decide for themselves.

@Betty you have no empathy, you didn't even understand the question

@Communistbitch I am afraid you did not understand my comment. You have no basis for the accusation.

@Betty you didn't answer the question

@Communistbitch I'm still waiting for the answer to mine.

@Communistbitch You have accused me twice of lacking empathy. I will ask again, why do you assume I have no empathy?

@Betty classic narcissism, to draw attention away from yourself . Nice. Watch out for this one

@Communistbitch It would seem you are unwilling or incapable of answering my question.

@Betty your ego can't comprehend empathy

@Communistbitch You appear to be unable to substantiate your accusations with evidence or facts. This conversation has no merit so, I will end it here. Have a good day.


If God had a plan, then he would be one sick son of a bitch. However, God does not have a plan, because God does not exist. Invoking a nonexistent supernatural being with a plan is just a poor coping mechanism. You might as well smoke opium.

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