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The Republican platform:

Flyingsaucesir 8 Apr 7

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And this has given the Dems all the cover they need to completely sell out America to the interests of the Pentagon, the arms industry, the fossil fuel industry, and corporate America. Neither party gives a sheet about poor and working class Americans.

Biden has made huge investments in green energy. Bigger than any Republican administration for damn sure.

Who came up with a way for tens of millions of uninsured Americans to get coverage? Obama.

And who signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act? LBJ.

And who gave millions of jobless Americans jobs, Social Security, and Medicare. FDR

All Democrats, with a capital D. 🙂

Not saying the military industrial complex isn't a bloated tick on the body politic.

Also not saying that corporations are paying their fair share of taxes, or that they're not raping the land, polluting the water, and fouling the air.


And yet they will vote for him...


That’s terrible thing to say about the words “terrible idiot” What did those words do to deserve all that?


This is definitely their agenda.
So many of his cult members are voting against their own interests.
They've been bamboozled

Unity Level 8 Apr 7, 2024
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