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One person's forced childhood experience with a therapist. The line about non-falsifiability pretty well captures the core issue with the whole field.

Therapists can and do help people. But I've met far, far too many people who, to quote Cheech and Chong, "used to be messed up on drugs, and now they are messed up on therapy."


Mitch07102 8 Apr 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Sadly most people do not understand that they are the captain of the ship and a good therapist will show them that.
It's way to long a story but the therapist my twin saw never got her to confront her sense of being the victim.


There is no one needier than a narcissist, and if you want to keep the profits rolling in, then all you have to do is foster the narcissism. The religions of this world, who were the original therapists, started that game long ago. The worst sort of modern therapists are only keeping up the tradition.


What I have seen is they make you relive trauma and keep you there to keep taking your money. Plus all on different meds to keep you feeling "happy".


I knew a gal who at age 37 was Almost completing her 4th attempt at finishing college, sequentially trying 4 different majors.
In this incarnation she spent a lot of time answering her "boyfriend's" calls for 2am booty meetups when his wife pulled overnighters.
Her major at the time was Marriage Counseling.
Which is why when you do stand-up comedy you need invent Nothing, just talk about what's happening IRL.

There ya go with yer observational humour again.

I'd have high expectations if someone told me to lie down.


I think one of the reasons therapy is often ineffective or even detrimental is that their subject is probably an unreliable narrator. One tends to always frame things in a way that either makes themselves a victim or a hero. For example, a narcissist would relay that their partner only thought of themselves and was selfish, simply because they were not the center of the narcissist's world. And only hearing that framing, the therapist might inadvertently encourage the subjects' narcissism. Just an example. Therapists may inadvertently encourage an unhealthy outlook and unhealthy behavior.


I have no love for therapists given how they fucked up my marriage. I'm sure a few out there are good. People are disasters for the most part though. Some people have to pay to have a human listen to their shit.

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