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I wish my shirt had a logo ...

snytiger6 9 Apr 18

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Even as a young kid, I couldn't understand the fascination some of my fellow peers had when it came to wanting to wear clothes with names on them like Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren etc. I was always content with my plain t-shirts from Starter.


Such as MAGA?

Calvin and Hobbes was a great comic strip, which stopped long before MAGA. It often satirized life and humanity. IMO it was the best comic strip ever. The creator/writer stopped because he didn't think he could continue producing high quality strips. So, he retired rather than let the comic strip drift into the mundane.

@snytiger6 Calvin & Hobbes WAS a great strip and I read it for all the years it was in print. There are some books of the strips in my bookcase. I've wondered what Hobbes would have to say about daily life now.

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