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Dear Christian conservatives ...

(This fact is well documented)

snytiger6 9 Apr 18

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Are you watching the series "Mary & George"? Lots of debauchery afoot.


He was also a snob, a bigot and a racist, who rarely washed and was considered dirty by even the low standards of those days, and believed that he had a right to power. So maybe with all that in common, they are willing to overlook the fact that he was gay.

He was also a practicing Witch, but was terrified of other witches hence the translation of Exodus 22:18 in KJV being reinterpreted as
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
rather than the original translation
Do not suffer a loose tongued woman to remain among you

The original word in Hebrew is mekhasheph meaning one who reveals private things
mek means "One who does" or "of" is
kashaph ( F ) means an abuser or whisperer

So together a mekhasheph is a gossip a far cry from "A Witch"


Conservative Christians are devoid of the ability to think or to thank.

....welllll....they do sometimes thank their gawd...but only when something nice happens for them.

Or any kind of common sense.


cherry picked by ass kissers and yet Christian believe its the gold standard

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