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New Yorkers! Get out there and get her in!

William_Mary 8 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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She has been MIA every moment except when it's time to ask for money, for about a decade now.
Just BS!
Soooooooo ready to never see her again

I've come to the belief that it's possible that you're a troll working for the mis/disinformation machine. That statement is so out of line with reality it only makes you look stupid and or loyal to sources of the uninformed. Your participation in the political arena here can only lead those who are at least close to being up to parr with genuine news towards those two perceptions. I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to hate you for being part of the problem.


NY and CA are both states that are safely blue enough for progressives to vote their consciences and support her, but I hope no progressives in the seven swing states vote for her, there is too much at stake. Next time after that, if there is still any sort of democracy and elections, we need a younger version of Bernie to lead the fight. And I'm not talking about AOC, as she has already proven to be untrustworthy and not a real progressive, same as Warren, who like Bernie is too old now anyway.

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