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Take your iron tablets with orange juice.

Jolanta 9 May 7

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Iron pills and orange juice are a "ferrous" combination to T-rust in


As an anemic teenager, I was put on iron supplements that were 1/2 iron and 1/2 vitamin C, and they were chewable. Tasted kind of nasty, so they were much better washed down with some orange juice for good measure. Now I don't usually have any OJ in the house, and I must be getting plenty of iron with my diet, as my doctor recently told me I can stop taking my iron supplements.


Orange juice is loaded with vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It is possible that the acidic nature of vitamin C is the element helping digest the iron tablets. Pure conjecture on my part.


While the OJ raises the Hell out of your Blood Sugar, not at all sure that's desirable.....for sure Very undesirable if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic!
Orange juice is pretty much pure sugar in drinkable form.

True but it fructose which is less harmful than processed sucrose for every day use, but you are right still not desirable for diabetics or pre-diabetics

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