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Jeff Daniels, wow! He wrote the perfect guitar folk song. See if you agree. Warning: religious allusions.
Organist1 8 May 9

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So--Organist....thanks to you, I did a little ramble through youtube just now and found some really fascinating stuff about/with Jeff Daniels! Thanks to you for the inspiration!

Thanks for the tip -I will do the same, as this is the first time I'd heard him play an instrument.

@Organist1 Happy to return the favor! I've been a fan of Jeff's since "Purple Rose of Cairo" but never knew his musical gifts.

@pamagain I always thought he was a good actor, but never knew about this, either. He's really special.

@Organist1 And in a band with his son!


If he wants to appeal to the majority of ''country'' fans, he probably needs the religious references. Or...maybe he's religious. This really is good and it's fun to watch him.

Truth be told, the English language is chock-full of idioms and phrases from the Bible. Other than Shakespeare, it's the single biggest influence on how we speak.


You misspelled delusions!?! 😇

I'll forgive him his religious references because he is so damned good. This is just the type of thing my friends and I do every Thursday night in our guitar circle. It started during the pandemic at the local train station and continued to this day. We write songs we never knew were in there until we tried.

@Organist1 It was a lovely performance. I think unplugged takes the most skill!?! 😊


I was warned…..🤷🏻♂️


Who knew Jeff Daniels was also an accomplished singer/songwriter/guitar picker?!!

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