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Has anyone else noticed it’s almost exclusively Red states that are being destroyed by these continual tornadoes day after day? I can’t imagine the Evangelicals would think their misuse of their Bible as a tool for bad could be the reason their god is punishing them? That would be called reasoning, something they are incapable of.

Barnie2years 8 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Why would you even think of that?

I’m just saying, the supposed crazy religious, most Bible driven states seem to be affected by the worst weather more than the more progressive, less religious states. And yet, those Southern and Central states always want to try and blame their problems on gays, Atheists, lack of prayer in school, pretty much anything except their god. This week we had a tornado in western PA. One of the buildings it aimed for was a church full of people. No one was hurt, but no one questioned why the thing aimed for the church and not some local strip club.


They not only don't do reasoning, they are also unable to notice or appreciate irony...


This would mean accepting there is a God. Obviously not factual then.


It's called weather. Southern and mid western states have always had more tornados than pretty much everywhere else in the world.

Tejas Level 8 May 12, 2024

We should make that claim.


I think Hannibal Lecter made a comment to that effect in The Silence Of The Lambs, where he told Clarice Starling that God loved a Texas church congregation so much, that he sent a tornado to destroy their church and kill all them in it.


Of course those of us with brains know tht climate change causes more extreme weather in both frequency and strength.

"Tornado alley" has always been a mostly conservative region. It is just that climate changes have increased the frequency and strength of tornado spawning storms.

I grew up in the Los Angels area. They do get tornadoes in California, but most of them are in unpopulated areas of the state. When a funnel cloud does touch down in the Los Angeles area they don't refer to it as a tornado, but as a "micro burst". The reason being that they are protecting real estate prices. They get away with it because in populated area, the storms, so far, have only caused minor damages and have yet to actually level any buildings.

Where I live now in Battle Ground, WA, we were surprised last year when our cell phones went into emergency alert mode and gave a tornado warning, as tornadoes are mostly new to the area. I am sure there probably have always been funnel clouds, but only in recent times have storms been strong enough to force a funnel cloud to touch down. The warning was a false alarm, but a few years earlier one did actually touch down South of us.

Anyway, it won't just be "Red States" affected by climate changes, as like in my area, funnel clouds will start to touch down in areas they has no record of tornadoes.

Here in Lancaster we have one from time to time. They generally don’t do much damage and have a short time on the ground. Nothing like the ones hitting the South this year.

@Barnie2years We get tornadoes off the coast of San Diego County occasionally. They're called "water spouts."

@Flyingsaucesir Oh yeah. I forgot the reports of "water spouts over the oceans. I guess they tend to touch down more often over the ocean in the Southern California area.


They all be climate change deniers too, that’s the best part!! It’s been fun watching them all flock to Florida for some real climate change action!!!!😇


It's actually a plot by the democrats to kill off the republicans, just like the COVID vaccines.

BINGO!!!! 😇🙏😇


Well, to the extent that an Evangelical Christian, or anyone, for that matter, tries to explain a natural phenomenon, be it fire, flood, or wind, in terms of intention, or bias, or will, they are blowing smoke, or all wet, full of hot air, as the case may be.


I think a lot of this has to do with the fact there are so many red states. We cannot read retribution into this for any reason. Nobody is being punished but things do happen.

Gods wrath is upon them!!!!! Just throw a bag of popcorn in the nuker and enjoy the show!!!?!!🤠🍿🥃🤠

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