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Looks like I made an error about a year back in solar panel output and I am therefore going to publicly apologize to everyone here. I thought solar panel output would eventually top off at around 35% but it seems the next generation solar panels are going to do a little bit better because once they hit the market these new Quantum solar panels will have an output efficiency in the neighborhood of 190%.... We are already seeing newer panels at close to 30% but which is very close to the theoretical maximum for Silicon based panels but these are not the same by any means and are capable of generating over six times as much electricity with the same size panel. Right now California with the 6th largest economy in the world has days which we already produce more electricity that we use and is being stored in batteries for later consumption....


Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll believe it when I see it. Seriously doubt this is factual. Only way they have been able to get more is by making panels bigger. Increasing efficiency has been a smokescreen for the most part.

Then go there and see for yourself.... And no progress has not been "a smoke screen..."

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