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Blinken playing "Rocking in the free world" in a country that has banned elections and conscripts more to die for Zelenskyy who refuses to negotiate, who in 3 days becomes illegitimate leader> These same idiots are holding peace talks for Ukraine.........................without inviting Russia.

puff 8 May 17

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I would not trust Putin to negotiate in good faith. He lived aobut his reason for invading, and won't admit it. Therefore they don't even have any common ground of agreement on which to begin.

Putin expected to roll into Ukraine, much like Hitler just rolled into Austria in the 1930's. He would not be stopping with Ukraine, as he has stated he intends to recover all the countries that split off at the beark up of the Soviet Union.


False information... You are spewing Russian propaganda again "comrade".... Oh and you do know that your own country (namely Russia) has banned free elections right?...

I suspect thst this guy, as well as Freyedbear are Russian paid operatives who infiltrate social medias in order to spread the Kremlin propaganda.

@noworry28 I suspect you still don't realise the Steele dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign and has been thoroughly discredited. Wonder if Biden will wave his 51 spooks letter saying Hunters laptop was "Russian disinformation" at the debate again?
Do you also think the anti genocide protesters are "Putin puppets" as well? Psychopaths need to blame someone, never their fault.
Do you dare criticise Israeli foreign interreference in US policy?

@puff You heard all about that on QANON didn't you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Actually articulated by that decomposing alcoholic Pelosi. Can you answer why Genocide Joe is so keen for a debate by Trump, but refuses any debate within his own party? No primaries for "democrats". I also read at a rally Trump said he will demand a drug test before the debate, so he doesn't face a pinging Biden ranting and shouting for 2 hours, like his state of the union address.

@puff Russians like you are all "decomposing alcoholics.....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz How are those Houthi's going against the most powerful military in history?

@puff Why would Biden be debating people in his own party? It's also strange that his political enemies found his son's laptop abandoned in a computer repair shop. Lots of talk and no show about what is on that machine.

@DenoPenno The laptop was analyzed by the FBI and it had the FSB's fingerprints all over it... This is why anyone visiting Russia or a country they control should ever take electronics with them...

@DenoPenno, @puff Key word "Claim"..... Russia makes claims about how they shoot down all Ukrainian drones and missiles but their shit is all blowing up.... and how is the "second best army in the world" doing against Ukraine? Seems they not only lost another ship in their Black sea fleet but 2 more expensive air defense platforms, another oil refinery, 1210 more conscripted prison bitches and a shitpot full of armor yesterday alone...

@DenoPenno "Why would Biden be debating people in his own party?"
Are you for real? It's called the primary season where democratic voters get to choose their presidential candidate rather than have one chosen for them by DNC donors. Like Hillary was over Sanders (that worked out well didn't it?)
Debates are the very rock of democracy. Why do you think Kennedy Jr is running as an independent? It wasn't by choice, it's because the DNC decided a geriatric puppet is the best choice , voters input not required.

@puff Been smoking that meth again haven't you?... Biden is doing better in the primaries than Donnie the Dumbass has been...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes, his rally numbers have been impressive.

@puff Usually a sitting president does not have to debate people in his own party just because he is running for a second term. Just my thoughts.

... not just your thoughts. Just the way both parties run.
I don't remember many Qupublican debates in 2020 when the diaper don was running against Biden.
Eh, @puff?

@puff Like the thousands of people who walked out on Trump while he was rambling in New Jersey?... Oh and those 80,000 was the total number of people in the city that day shopping, having a meal and everything except going to his "rally" where he was bragging about having met Hannibal Lector and what a great guy he was always inviting someone over for dinner...

@AtheistInNC That has been a "norm" for sitting presidents who are usually not challenged for party unity. But both parties still have primaries, they go through the motions so they can be challenged, democracy.

@puff Name one time Trump has debated any of his challengers this cycle.... News flash dummy he has far less support against any of his than Biden does and by the end of this week will be a felon and might be convicted on all 38 counts...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You want to talk felony?
Your president is totally complicit in a genocide for which people are about to be charged. Members of you Congress have decided it is a good idea to threaten people doing their job at the International Criminal Court. The true meaning of the word "outrageous".
The USA is a nation that not only condones genocide, it promotes it under O'Biden.

@puff Stop being an ass you have no idea how the US government works just like you are too stupid to put the real blame where it belongs.... on your own precious Russian government who is starting these wars all over the world to weaken everyone. By fragmenting all the usual alliances Putin feels he can take over the world piecemeal instead of being hammer by everyone else.

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