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Christen religious zealots/I've had it podcast
theyweretripping 7 May 18

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I think "Morning Joe" pointed out that their gathering outside the courtroom was the biggest so far since the trial began. Trump has called upon his MAGA faithful to gather outside the courtroom and protest his innocence. They have been most notable by their absence. In fact, those motley crew of rebub retards were the largest crowd to date. If you look behind them all you will see is empty space, which is significant considering that it is a cleared area designated by the NYPD for all the public to protest. No MAGA-hatted gravy seals, no Karen groupies, no banners waving in the background... zilch.


Bill Maher mentioned some of this on his show. The bastards are even dressing like Trump now.

There is no limit to what suck up, shamelessly ambitious people will do, at least when it comes to political ambitions. They have no self respect or dignity.

And yet……most of them will probably say that they’re their own individual selves. That’s NEVER the case when you’re trying to be a cheap imitation, and that’s about all these clowns are.

I arrived at the conclusion that dwindling human populations now throughout much of the world is a good thing.


I love these women!! I subscribe to their podcast and it is always good!!


Madness, just madness. We here in Australia have a few religious politicians but nothing like this.

You’ll never fully escape it unfortunately.


They're right! The leader of the legislative branch of government is undermining the judicial branch! It's outrageous! Mike Johnson should be tossed out of Congress! Impeach the sanctimonious prick now!

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