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This is a list of Trump cronies who have either pleaded guilty, been convicted, or await trial for felony indictments on one or more of the following crimes:

  1. Foreign Agents Registration Act violation
  2. Campaign finance violation
  3. Making false statements to state or federal investigators
  4. Perjury
  5. Defying a lawful subpoena
  6. Sexual exploitation of a minor
  7. Child pornography
  8. Bank fraud
  9. Tax fraud
  10. Conspiracy to defraud the United States of America
  11. Obstruction of a congressional investigation
  12. Witness tampering
  13. Charity fraud
  14. Money laundering
  15. Grand larceny
  16. Falsifying business records
  17. Insider trading
  18. Wire fraud

pp = accepted a presidential pardon

Paul Manafort (1, 8, 9, 10) pp
Rick Gates (3, 10)
Steve Bannon (5, 13, 14) pp
Roger Stone (3, 11, 12) pp
Michael Flynn (1, 3)*
George Papadopoulos (3) pp
George Nader (2, 6, 7, 10)
Allen Weisselberg (4, 15, 16)
Peter Navarro (5)
Michael Cohen (2, 3, 8, 9)
Sam Patten (1, 3, 11, 14)
Chris Collins (3, 17) pp
Duncan Hunter (2, 18) pp

*At the behest of Trump, Flynn's case was snuffed by Attorney General Bill Barr

These are just the crimes that prosecutors could prove beyond a reasonable doubt. How much more is there that we don't know about?

Al Capone was widely known to have been a racketeer and career criminal involved in bootlegging, prostitution, illegal bookmaking, extortion, and murder. What was he finally convicted of? Tax evasion.

Flyingsaucesir 8 May 23

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Thanks for this info. I am putting it to good use by introducing it to the magats in my neighborhood!! 😉

That is exactly what I was hoping would happen! 😍

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