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Don't miss this rare celestial spectacle

TheoryNumber3 8 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Last night the moon was beautiful coming up and delighted a fellow moonrise lover, as we finished our evening walk along the bike path bridge.

Tonight, I had to work late, so I didn't see the moon rise, but now that I'm home, it's nice to see it shimmering on the ocean outside my window. Hopefully, I can catch the moon rise next month, since I'll be done working earlier. 🙂

Beautiful. I really have to get me an ocean 🙂 Where I am I can't even FIND the moon sometimes.

@TheoryNumber3 I lived by the Pacific for 40 years in Humboldt Co., CA. The moon was VERY often hard to see over the ocean because of the fog. Choose a place which has no fog.

When it showed its face, though, it was worth the wait.

@Gwen_Wanderer we don't have fog in Chicago. We have smog (cough)

@TheoryNumber3 we had just regular ol' fog. It would roll in off the ocean and cover everything. It was dangerous to drive at night when it was very thick. It was particularly bad in summer as it was hot inland and cool on the coast.


Dancing in the moonlight. Now...I just need to learn the dance. 😂

Betty Level 8 May 23, 2024

Just dance . . . you need no steps!

@Gwen_Wanderer Twirling would be okay then? 😉

@Betty but of course! Actually, you don't even need to move your feet--just gyrate your upper body.

@Gwen_Wanderer Will try. 🙂

@Betty come to my house and we can practice.

@Gwen_Wanderer That would be a long walk. Thanks for the offer. <3


Whew--I'm glad I have another chance to see it.


Not here in the Overcast Northeast.....

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