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<rant> I have better things to do with my time than waste it on any belligerent imbecile who insists that evolution is a lie despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary. </rant>

anglophone 9 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Gawd planted those dinosaur bones there to test your faith.......

@annewimsey500 I remember being told that bullshit!!! 😂😂


A couple of years ago while on vacation, I'm lounging in the hot tub when a senior came into the tub and started jawing about how he had studied the Grand Canyon and fancied himself an expert on how the great flood had created it. Being well versed in evolution, I could have given him a lecture, but I chose to let it go. I was certain nothing I could say could loosen the vise grip Christianity had on him. It's extremely sad to run into people who are so completely deluded. One can only reflect on one's own fortune not to be so blind.

Right...we get those at the zoo, too and it's always difficult to keep my face ''straight.''


They gain comfort in their denial, it absolves them of responsibility.

Betty Level 8 May 30, 2024

Oh, had one of THOSE encounters! Sorry.


Did that post waste any of your time?

Time is never wasted on this site.

@Betty i studied physics. A very few people on this site disagreed with my view on astrophysics, did not provide evidence, and attacked. Rather than waste time, I blocked them.

@yvilletom There are many different personalities on the site. Some we click with and some we don't. Makes life interesting.


Do you think our understanding of evolution is complete? It has been modified since Darwin's contribution so asking is that process still ongoing or do you think there is nothing left to learn/ discover?

If you are talking about god botherers, totally agree. May as well bang your head against a wall talking to those retards, less painful.

puff Level 8 May 30, 2024
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