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This whole Santa Claus thing doesn't make sense ...

snytiger6 9 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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A shame more young kids out there aren't as clever.

Sadly most kids are. But they learn early that being clever just gets you a smack.

@Fernapple That sure wasn't the case of the majority of kids that I had went to school with. Regarding the minority of them that were clever for their age, what you mentioned above would have most likely applied to them.

@Fernapple Yeah, as a kid I learned pretty quickly that you never question my parents religious beliefs...

@Fernapple, @SpikeTalon I discovered that most kids from church growing up led double lives. There was what they presented to their church and parents and then there was what they presented to other kids at school.

@snytiger6 That was our lives.


Of all the religious based characters, there is more evidence that St Nicholas of Myra was actually a real person.

puff Level 8 June 1, 2024

Your dyslexia's showing. /s

Be careful. You'll end up selling your soul to Santa. Capitalist 'Murica did.😐.


Amen and AMEN!

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