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Somehow, his hair seems guilty-free -- and that's how he'll squeak through this thing....

I would not call conviction on 34 felony counts "squeaking through." (I think his chances of overturning the convictions on appeal are slim at best.)

@Flyingsaucesir I hope you're right.


When will a court - one or more federal court judges somewhere - rule that his threats are no longer protected by the First Amendment?

For the relevant US Supreme Court opinion, look up “fighting words” in Wikipedia.

It has already been done. Judges Juan Merchan and Arthur Engoron both imposed gag orders on the Done Cheato.

@Flyingsaucesir Have Judge Merchan’s gag orders been effective?

@yvilletom Not really, but Cheato's violations may figure prominently in his sentencing next month. Stay tuned!

@Flyingsaucesir Or maybe not.

@yvilletom Sure, that's also a possibility. July 11 is coming up quick, so we won't have to wait too long to find out.


Hopefully it is written in indelible ink, so no one ever forgets.

I'm betting he will live in infamy.

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