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EMERGENCY SITUATION AND NO CELL SIGNAL? Bet you didn't know this......

Here's a scary scenario: You're hiking or driving alone in a remote area. You have some sort of emergency... an injury, an accident, a dead car battery .... and you can't get a cellular signal.

Many people don't realize that you can still call 911 in an emergency even on an uncharged cell phone. When you make a 911 call, your phone sends a signal to the nearest cell tower, regardless of your service provider.

The FTC requires all cellular providers to accept all 911 calls, no matter the phone plan, . Even from an old deactivated phone. So one idea is to keep a backup phone charged in your car. However, a deactivated phone won't automatically provide call centers with your location.

Source: []

TheoryNumber3 8 June 6

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If you get a TracPhone from Walmart, <$200, (no contracts, no monthly fees, about $100/year for unlimited talk and text and does Everything my brother's Apple does including GPS) you will never be in a dead spot as they legally use Any tower anytime.
You people that spend big bucks on phones Astound me, and not in a good way.

All true but I do not want my cell to know where I am and I do not sign in to anything.

@DenoPenno oh honey that ship has Sailed, about 30 years ago....satellites can see you unless you stay in a windowless basement 100% of the time.

@annewimsey500 I'm not worried about being physically seen. I am worried about being tracked in a way that ties you to something like a phone or ties you to what you are doing. One example in my meaning is you look for something in Angie's List and it was OK until it became just Angie. Now if you are looking for one thing it ends up with so many people from everywhere calling you that I have to stop using it.

@DenoPenno It is totally invasive these days. They know when you are sleeping. They know when you're awake

@DenoPenno You don’t even have to actually look into a website or ad. Just a few seconds of hesitation before moving on gets you inundated with ads for similar products.

@Barnie2years This is exactly why I am not married to my cell phone. It wants you to have all the apps, stare it it constantly with your thumbs working like hell. At home I use a rechargable phone and if I travel I take my cell. At bedtime my cell stays in another room. Zero cell phone banking and no apps to keep my passwords.

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