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"Be fruitful, and multiply"
-- Genesis 1:28

Skip ahead a couple thousand years, and there are 8 billion humans on Earth. Shouldn't we tap the brakes on the fecundity thing?

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I saw recently that the birth rate has fallen dangerously low in China and Japan. China has multiple problems due to their "one child" policy.

Yeah, and the US would have a problem too, if were not for immigrants. πŸ˜‚

France is having low birth rate issues too. Russia did, not sure if they still do. Thankfully I guess Africa and South America don’t seem yo know how to slow their growth down other than political purges from time to time.


That Genesis 1:28 is what they are going by.

Yup, gotta create more Christian soldiers...

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