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The 2024 Presidential Debates

redbai 8 June 7

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Why does this depict Biden in a wheelchair with oxygen?
WTF and SHAME on You!!!!

Because it's supposed to represent that he is TO OLD to do the job. I happen to agree with that.

@redbai Reeeeally...he seems to be doing a pretty good job, and BTW is only 2-ish years older than the Orange Asshat....not to mention Obviously in far better shape mentally and physically.
Also the "too" you want is not spelled the way you did......

@annewimsey500 How sad, grammar police instead of cogent points.

Biden's not doing a "pretty good job" IMO, based on every meaningful pol and all the protests across the nation for his backing apartheid, genocide and war criminals ignoring 60% of the nation firmly against his path. I'm at a loss as to what you call a "pretty good job" given that no substantive policy changes have been made during his presidency. There is still no voting rights bill and no police reform. Roe has not been changed into law, in fact Republican's are openly talking about getting rid of contraceptives. Genocide Joe's border policy is to try and pass a republican wish list, not to fix the issue in any meaningful way, but to be able to campaign on it regardless of it's substance; like the tough on crime bill he passed in 1994 leading to mass incarceration. His environmental bill is widely known as nothing except a paper tiger to hopefully help win an election. It doesn't matter if it's effective, what matters is can the title fit into a campaign slogan.

FTR, I think both of them are corrupt old men and will vote for neither. One no different than the other except that Biden hides behind euphemisms and lies and Trump can't understand the concept euphemisms so relies totally on lies.

@redbai the proper use of to, too, two represents one's education and literacy skills, therefore the ability to think.
Res Ipsa.

@annewimsey500 Addressing it in an informal scenario is also a way to avoid actually addressing the issue at hand and pretend you've made a relevant point. Especially in a comment section on the internet and not some paper for a teacher to grade.


Biden isn't a invalid and has proven himself to be very capable. Trump is a convicted felon and has proven himself to be degenerate, corrupt, self-obsessed, lying criminal who is a detriment to this country.

There is a big difference.

If facilitating genocide, watering down bills that would help heal the planet to a campaign tool, NOT getting police reform passed and not getting a voting rights bill passed somehow defines capability then you and I have very different ideas about what capable is. I happen to believe that helping Israel commit war crimes and genocide and lying to the American people about it is "degenerate, corrupt, [and] self-obsessed" and a "detriment to this country" but we apparently disagree.

@redbai Are you saying Trump would do better?

@nogod4me Nope. But that doesn't mean that I should choose the lessor of two evils either. I learned long ago that voting using that logic just makes the choices worse and worse as time goes on which explains our current circumstances in this country.

@redbai Really? Choosing the lesser of two evils would always be a better choice. Especially when one of the choices is a corrupt, compulsively lying, convicted felon and the other has been depicted as being incapable although he has accomplished much good.
Just because a cult leader lies to you doesn't mean you have to believe their lies.

@nogod4me I do not agree that "the other" has "accomplished much good". If he's done "good" why is he flailing in the polls against a convicted felon? Where's the voting rights bill he promised? Where's any kind of meaningful police reform? Where's a meaningful environmental bill? What is this "good" that he has done? I am also disgusted that my tax dollars are facilitating an apartheid states efforts at genocide. Not being Trump is his only accomplishment and that's pathetic.

@redbai Just keeping a lying, authoritarian, dictator out of office would be one of the greatest things Biden will do.

@nogod4me I think it's pathetic that is the only thing he's capable of and fails so miserably at actually changing conditions for the better for the citizens of the USA.

@redbai Your exaggerations are pathetic. Biden should get a medal keeping that orange turd out of office.

@nogod4me What exaggerations? You haven't demonstrated that anything I've said is wrong or exaggerated. The only thing that you can point to as a Biden accomplishment is to keep a convicted felon out of office. What an INCREDIBLY LOW bar? If Biden had done anything of substance he would be crushing Trump in the polls and he's not. Name some policy that he has enacted that has improved the quality of the lives of Americans.

@redbai Trump's Failures:

History will judge the Trump presidency to have been a consequential one, but more for its destructive effects than for its achievements.

History will judge Trump to have been a consequential US president, in that he left America and the world much changed. He will also be seen as one of the worst, if not the worst ever.


The six bankruptcies were the result of over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and New York: Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009).


Malignant forms of bureaucratic politics flourish and organizational logjams persist when leaders (or their surrogates) fail to create a transparent interagency decision‐making process, cut through the red tape, or set constructive norms for policy discourse (Rosati, 2000). Donald Trump and his top officials failed to provide scientifically informed, normative leadership, resulting in fierce infighting between multiple power centers, blame‐shifting, ambiguity regarding who was in charge, and a delayed, disorganized response to the pandemic.


The bulk of the rollbacks identified by the Times were carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency, which weakened Obama-era limits on planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and from cars and trucks; removed protections from more than half the nation’s wetlands; and withdrew the legal justification for restricting mercury emissions from power plants.

At the same time, the Interior Department worked to open up more land for oil and gas leasing by limiting wildlife protections and weakening environmental requirements for projects. The Department of Energy loosened efficiency standards for a wide range of products.


5 Ways the Trump Administration’s Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis

The Trump administration’s failure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent economic fallout has exacerbated both crises in the United States.


Economic policy of the Donald Trump administration

The economic policy of the Donald Trump administration was characterized by the individual and corporate tax cuts, attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare" ), trade protectionism, immigration restriction, deregulation focused on the energy and financial sectors, and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.


A May 2019 analysis conducted by CNBC found Trump's tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in the U.S. in decades. Studies have found that Trump's tariffs reduced real income in the United States, as well as adversely affecting U.S. GDP. Some studies also concluded that the tariffs adversely affected Republican candidates in elections.


Biden’s Accomplishments:

30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed



Lowering Costs of Families’ Everyday Expenses

More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History

Making More in America

Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic

Rebuilding our Infrastructure

Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans

The First Meaningful Gun Violence Reduction Legislation in 30 Years

Protected Marriage for LGBTQI+ and Interracial Couples

Historic Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and Federal Judges of Diverse Backgrounds

Rallied the World to Support Ukraine in Response to Putin’s Aggression

Strengthened Alliances and Partnerships to Deliver for the American People

Successful Counterterrorism Missions Against the Leaders of Al Qaeda and ISIS

Executive Orders Protecting Reproductive Rights

Historic Student Debt Relief for Middle- and Working-Class Families

Ending our Failed Approach to Marijuana

Advancing Equity and Racial Justice, Including Historic Criminal Justice Reform

Delivering on the Most Aggressive Climate and Environmental Justice Agenda in American History

More People with Health Insurance Than Ever Before


What Has Biden Accomplished? Look at These 10 Metrics, Not the Polls

Biden has outperformed Trump on a number of fronts, from inequality and green spending to stocks and crime. But not all.



@nogod4me I guess if I thought Trump was any better your list of his screw-ups would be relevant. Nothing in that list of Biden's accomplishments trumps facilitating apartheid and genocide in the middle-east and politically protecting Israel for it's war crimes while lying to the American public about what is actually going on. A path that is making America less respected on an international stage than the actions of Trump while he was in office.

@redbai You are either naive or feigning ignorance, you can't be that stupid. The election will be between Biden and Trump, we all know that. Trump is a fascist, wannabe dictator. A Hitler lover who uses Nazi cult tactics in order for the gullible and stupid to fall for them. Trump's world vision is far more dangerous and deadlier than Biden’s.

So, tell me, what would you do to fix the middle east?

@nogod4me Again, it's kind of pathetic that your standard for POTUS is not to be a "fascist, wannabe dictator" and a "Hitler lover". That's such a low bar that it's insulting. As far as the middle east, stop supporting Israel. They have a disgusting government that kills women, children and civilian men by the 10s of thousands attempting to expand their theocracy. Let their god send them money and weapons for their disgusting goals. As far as I'm concerned, there is very little difference between Nazis and the Zionist government of Israel and our Zionist POTUS is backing them with lies to the American people and resources paid with from our taxes.

I think it's obviously obtuse to believe that what America is doing now is going to do anything relevant to fixing the middle east. It appears to obviously be escalating the issues there more than moving towards anything like a "fix", whatever that's supposed to mean.

@redbai You are pathetic that your standard for POTUS is that it is okay to be a "fascist, wannabe dictator" and a "Hitler lover".

I see you are just like MAGA Republicans, you have no real solutions, just whining-ass complainrs and stupid-ass notions.

@nogod4me Wow. A flat out lie purposely misinterpreting my response. Didn't expect that. Okay. Note that I called a standard pathetic after defining the standard and you're calling me personally pathetic based on a purposefully misinterpretation of my comments.

Where did I say that a POTUS should be a "fascist, wannabe dictator" and a "Hitler lover"?

Why don't you prove that not backing Israel wouldn't fix the Middle East? You're calling it "not real" and have not demonstrated it would be any worse than what's going on now with Genocide Joe's "fix" of selling out the US to a theocratic state? Because you can't, so my fix is just as plausible as his failed solutions.

@redbai Anyone who defends or supports Trump is supporting and defending a a "fascist, wannabe dictator" and a "Hitler lover".

That alone should keep any decent and educated person from voting for Trump.

Israel must stop committing genocide, but how are you going to implement your fix?

@nogod4me Well, when you can quote me supporting Trump I guess you'll have a point. You cannot quote me doing so so your argument is nothing but a straw man attempting to avoid the subject. My fix is simply stop sending money and weapons to the apartheid state of Israel and stop giving them political support on the international stage. I would have the US United Nations representative stop blocking sanctions against Israel and start condemning them for their crimes and I would pull our embassy out of Israel. Let their god help them in their inhumanity.

@redbai So, you don't support Trump or Biden. Who then would you vote for? There is no comparison between the disgusting, fascist, rapist, lying felon Trump and Joe Biden. You should send your "solution" about Israel to the White House just in case they never thought of the idea or run for President yourself.

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