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I'm never dusting again

TheoryNumber3 8 June 8

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Works for me! Waste of time anyway. Dusting just puts all those particles in the air, which you then suck into your lungs. Stagnate dust doesn’t bother anything! 😁


In my case it would be dog ashes...I cannot bring myself to scatter them so there is a cabinet with assorted urns in the corner.


From and to dust?

Try female, and get personal.

i come from female. I will return to female.

Is that a quote from Dusty Springfield?

@TheoryNumber3 No. (Please idenify DS and his/her relevance but not at length.)

For a short time after fertilization, every human embryo is female.

At birth I was said to be male

As I neared sixty I lost interest in women. Entering my seventies, my breasts significanly enlarged.

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