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Ruins of an ancient civilization scattered throughout Antarctica"

Nothing to see there..... is it real? What about The Scott-Expedition?

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Happy Fathers day......

1patriot 8 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh, the ancient civilisations before the polar ice sheets formed 35 million years ago, those civilisations?


It has been noted that Piri Reis copied his maps from ancient documents. His map shows antartica ice free.

So are his maps accurate or fiction?

so do you think this can be checked with under water subs and some type radar to map the coast of this land?

@1patriot No idea, this is out of my area of expertise. The best I can do is Speculate. The technology is a little beyond me.

It just occurred to me that the Eskimos live and have lived in the Arctic since forever, seems like .Is it not possible that a civilisation could not have done a similar thing in the south pole??


I have come across fleeting references of past civilisations in antarctica for years now.
Real or hoax? I will never know, but I keep an open mind on the subject.However improbable, nothing is impossible.

Experts, however, say these anomalies are again likely to be explained by geological processes, just like the pyramid mountain. Scientists still don’t know as much as they’d like to about Antarctica, but they know enough to believe that these anomalies are more likely to be evidence of subglacial lakes or unusual ice formations than any kind of structures made by some heretofore unknown intelligent race. The tools that researchers have at their disposal to study this remote continent haven’t revealed anything suspicious. Deep-penetrating radar, for example, has not uncovered any proof to back up claims of ancient human activity in the area.


I'm leaning toward the NO end of the spectrum. 😁 []antarctica

A spokesman for the company is reported to have said at the time that “The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice.”
“The AtlantisTV production crew that shot the video is still missing.” reports Gray. Attorneys for the Beverly Hills-based AtlantisTV stressed at the time that the company’s primary concern was for the safety and welfare of the crew.
But they stated they would vigorously oppose any attempts to censor material that is clearly in the public interest and public domain.

I had initially dubbed this a hoax not until a careful examination did I confirm the authenticity of its truth. Folks Ancient Civilization have just been discovered in. the nazi were looking in the Antarctica in the 1940's

yes i agree it's hard to tell if it's true or not. but it's been on going for some time now..
here's what GPTchat had to say: Yes, signs of civilization have been found in Antarctica, although they are primarily related to scientific research stations and military installations. The first semi-permanent research station, the British Antarctic Survey's Signy Research Station, was established in 1947 and since then numerous other research stations have been built across the continent by various countries. Additionally, historic sites such as the remains of old whaling stations and explorers' huts have been discovered in Antarctica. However, there are strict regulations in place to protect these sites and minimize the impact of human presence on the fragile ecosystem of the continent.

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