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In an unconscionable backward step, the governor of Louisiana has signed into law a bill establishing religion. The American Taliban is here, and they're coming for our freedoms.


Flyingsaucesir 8 June 25

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My oldest daughter was born in Louisiana, her dad was stationed at what used to be Ft. Polk. We moved when she was about 6 weeks old, and I can tell you with certainty that happiness is Louisiana in the rearview mirror.


A bunch of Louisianans, aided by the ACLU, are taking the governor to court. He and his xian allies will get their comeuppance.

Why don’t progressive states post the Constitution’s Bill of Rights? I’m such a grouch.


Somebody should shove a folio sized copy of the Koran up his fundament!


Welcome to the new Third Rate USA.

I can’t say Third World anymore because it would be an insult to them.

Western Europe moved beyond religious fundamentalism only after hundreds of years of religious wars. The founding fathers knew this. That's why the separation of church and state is called for in the very first constitutional Amendment they wrote.

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