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Clarfication: the prosecutions of Trump and so many of his allies and co-conspirators have been successful precisely because they were NOT political, but actually based on the law and the evidence. This cartoonist's choice to put the Democratic symbol in the boat with the big catch is an artifact of the media distortion field.

That being said, the Republican symbol holding the fish labelled "Hunter" IS a fair representation. While Hunter Biden did break a federal law by lying on an application to buy a handgun, the DOJ does not normally prosecute such cases when the gun was not subsequently used to commit another crime. Hunter is no innocent, but his recent prosecution was driven by politics.


Flyingsaucesir 8 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Republican attempt to holler “squirrel “. Works on the MAGAts but not on real people.


Definitely political based on who his daddy is.

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