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A woman claims she has not eaten or drunk anything for sixteen years yet she is in good health.
I do not believe her for a minute' I remember seeing a film based on a true story about an Irish girl who claimed she had not eaten anything for months. it transpired that the girl's mother kissed her every night and passed food into her mouth. The church was using it as a miracle to encourage the faithful and in effect she was being abused by the church.
I note that god has a role in the above situation as well. surprise,surprise.

Moravian 8 June 28

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I saw that movie, actually quite well done and produced, on exposing the deception and abuse all in the name of religious fervor.


Of course it's pure bullshit. 😂



I wonder just how credulous the church thinks the average person is? Apparently they have a lot of gullible folks lining up and donating for their "ticket to ride" . Fools and their money soon part.

PaddyO Level 7 June 29, 2024

I'm sorry. I just could not read it all. We know it is a fake from the beginning. People must eat in order to survive.


I'd certainly believe that this woman hasn't eaten in 16 years... if she's been dead for 15 years.

If she'd been dead for 16 years minus ten days or so. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir She looked quite healthyin the photo and think of the saving in toilet paper

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