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I don't want ...

snytiger6 9 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Artificial Intelligence doesn't go around starting wars.

AI is not responsible for damaging the environment.

AI is not judgmental, nor shows preference for one individual over another.

AI is logical and linear all the time, no emotions to cloud better judgment.

AI will not gossip behind your back.

AI will genuinely listen to you if you've had a bad day and need to vent a little.

AI would be more than willing to work with and find a solution from two very different viewpoints that would seemingly be at odds with one another, and put them together to find said solution.

The same cannot be said of a good portion of humanity, unfortunately. To each his/her own I suppose, but think this introvert will go with AI. Human behavior(s) at times baffles me to no end, in particular the culture wars.

The problem(s) with AI is that it has no conscience, no sense of right or wrong and no sense of morality or any ethics. As corporations are already pretty darn amoral, the idea of letting AI make decisions is pretty frightening to me.

Unless there is a world wide adoption of hard wiring Asimov's rules of robotics into every AI machine, which I realize is not going to realistically happen, there could easily be a lot of inadvertent disasters on the horizon.

@snytiger6 Who knows, that might be a good thing for artificial intelligence, not to be so modeled directly by human beings? Potentially concerning I suppose, but I'm willing to wait to withhold judgment until that time arrives though, as there's no way to tell for sure either way.

Point taken, but aren't there potential risks in most areas of life?


I'm fine with AI doing menial jobs or jobs that are unhealthy or unsafe for humans as well as jobs where health and cleanliness are important (primarily food service).

I'll save the human contact for my friends and family.


Actual human contact is and should be healthy. But not always. AI may well provide human-looking robots with voices that are friendlier and more engaging than actual humans. That challenge may present itself very soon. Plus, people are getting nastier... (and not brighter)

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